Welcome to Project Epoch
Project Epoch is a Classic+ project in active development for the past year with the simple goal of bringing you the world we all love with thematic, tasteful and high quality additional content interwoven between a Blizzlike foundation.
Built on the Wrath of the Lich King 3.3.5 client with extensive edits to far more closely reproduce a Classic world.
Coming, when it’s ready…
Along your journey to level 60 you will find hundreds of new quests throughout every zone. Encouraging that old sense of adventure you will find new content in otherwise empty areas. The stories you find can range from the simple through to the most epic of chains.
Right from the offset you will find new stories to engross yourself into as you make your way through the world. All new rewards to aid you as you fight and challenges to face in the form of new rare creatures and tough group content.
The sands of time are a fickle thing and the slightest nudge in the wrong direction can have a cascading effect. Locales you once knew may have been restored to a state you have not seen since Vanilla was first released. If ever…
Through a painstaking process thousands of creatures throughout the world have been restored to a Classic state. From level, aggro ranges, names, spawn locations and much more. This extra level of detail is key to providing a Classic feel within a more modern client.
At level 60 you will have 61 talents at your disposal to use within your talent tree. Despite being based on the 3.3.5 Client we have restored base abilities, trainers and talent trees to a Burning Crusade state with minor tweaks ensuring no matter your class or specialisation preference you can take part in cutting edge content while drastically reducing the overpowered nature of Wrath of the Lich King specialisations.
The Wildhammer dwarves are renowned for how they value nature and have close ties to shamanism. The ancient fortress of Grim Batol was once a massive Wildhammer dwarf city, though it was lost following the War of the Three Hammers. Their might brings the forces of the elements to the use of the Alliance.
The former denizens of Lordaeron now free of their ties to the Lich King have returned to their old knowledge. With every single use of the light searing their own flesh and causing a perpetual cycle of pain and regeneration. Their loyalty to their Banshee Queen brings these holy powers into the Horde.
Do you have a Soul of Iron? Locate a Chronicler in any faction capital to enroll yourself into the Project Epoch Hardcore Mode. Based on Blizzards Season of Mastery implementation to the smallest details with additional rewards for those who make the journey to level 60.
For those who hunger for glory on the field of battle we offer our Warmode System. Allowing you to flag yourself for PvP semi-permanently from within any major faction capital. Bringing with it bonus experience, reputation and at max level bonus honor for your hardship. Those who wish to abandon their factions army may do so for a fee scaling based on your current level.
To ensure that from the offset players are faced with a new experience, challenges and fruitful rewards two key faction focused dungeons have been entirely overhauled. This includes layout, visuals, bosses, rewards, mechanics and much much more.
These bandits had once been laborers of the Stonemason’s Guild who worked hard to rebuild Stormwind after the orcs destroyed it at the end of the First War. However, after finishing the city, these laborers had been denied payment by the nobles of the kingdom.
In years past, a night elf druid named Naralex discovered a network of underground caverns within the heart of the Barrens. Dubbed the 'Wailing Caverns', these natural caves were filled with steam fissures which produced long, mournful wails as they vented.
Naralex believed he could use the caverns' underground springs to restore lushness and fertility to the Barrens - but to do so would require siphoning the energies of the fabled Emerald Dream.
All other 5 man instanced content will feature new mechanics and hidden bosses to challenge those who venture within to ensure that even with more evenly balanced classes the encounters within provide depth of gameplay.
Featuring all new encounters, mechanics and loot every step into a raid instance should feel like a whole new experience. Balanced around a raid size of 25 for the majority of content.
As players will have experienced with Dungeons on their way to level 60 we have added new mechanics to all encounters. And much like Blizzards Season of Mastery for us this extends to all raid encounters. New dangers await those who wander within and a focus on challenge can be found throughout.
We want to encourage a Classic like mentality of mystery so while we are keeping some plans a secret we can comfortably say that our Tier 2 will be an entirely custom tier. As a small taste of this Onyxias Lair has been overhauled to be a 3 boss raid.
Player vs Player
While we are a PvE realm the ability to take your arms to your opposite faction is an integral part of World of Warcraft. We will be introducing a variety of new battlegrounds and arena locales.
Prior to the Call of War patch we will have Warsong Gulch available for players to dive into. Earning experience, reputation and the glory that comes with killing the enemy faction. Marks for each battleground can be earned and traded in for powerful rewards.
Throughout the world you will find outdoor Player vs Player objectives that can reward those who control it great benefits in the zone featuring the objective. To encourage fairness these are level gated to ensure only those who would truly benefit can take part.
During the lifetime of Classic through to Wrath of the Lich king more than 15,000 items present in Classic had their stats tweaked, rarity adjusted, damage edited, name changed etc. Through a painstaking process these have all been first restored to a patch 1.12 state.
Following that 1.12 restoration we then took a targeted approach looking at why Blizzard made certain itemisation changes and chose which to adopt to ensure balanced classes, player versus player interactions as well what TBC classes need to function. We call this Classic+ Itemisation.
This includes removal of item ratings in favour of flat bonuses the same as it was in Classic. We hope that these changes across all items will provide a fairer more balanced experience across the classes while maintaining the true RPG feeling of Classic.
Project Epoch is proudly built on a foundation of the following open source projects: