Developer Log - December 2024

We have reached the end of 2024 with the Christmas Holiday only just behind us and New Years Eve ahead of us tonight. Despite this busy time where various members of staff are taking a well earned break, relaxing with family and preparing for an even busier year ahead we still wanted to get out an end of the month update.

Throughout this month we've dropped new functionality and had upfront discussions about content in streams so some of this you may have already seen but we wanted to collate everything together and give you a look at some new things too.

General State

When we last gave an update we stated we had 1,720 issues still open across a broad spectrum of the game. This included 83 Launch Blocking issues. Despite being a well earned quiet month for staff a number of key issues have still been closed. This now stands at 1,669 open of which 50 are Launch Blocking. Many of the Launch Blocking bugs are also some of the hardest to resolve so we're pleased that even with this result for a particularly IRL packed month.

I once again want to express a deep thank you to our volunteer QA team who have sacrificed their personal time to confirming issues, testing fixes and finding new undocumented issues.

Website Update

Work on our updated website has been chugging along nicely in the background over these months and the fruits of that we got to give to you guys as an early present this month.

Across the board our new website is shaping up and this is primarily off of the strength of our new Website Content Editor who is going through the process of parsing our dev logs, patch notes, questioning the developers and more to concatenate as much information as possible.

This is no small feat and has involved a lot of collaboration with developers and designers to flesh out lore and lock down exactly what Project Epoch has become.

Please note the below samples are awaiting a final images content pass so expect final screenshot quality and quantity to change.

Talent Calculator

With relatively short notice we decided to push out our Talent Calculator section of the website in isolation allowing you to all play with builds and see a variety of changes.

This also doubled as an opportunity for us to set up infrastructure for the upcoming new website and create the various deployment pipelines we require.

It has been fascinating to see the community discuss builds, share them and overall interact with Project Epoch in a new way we hadn't experienced before.

We will be shipping updated talent data in the coming weeks as and when we deploy to our internal QA realm.

Class Page Preview

Much of the work needed to build Talent Calculator data ended up serving a dual purpose within the Class pages for exporting the full spell books that each Class has available to them. This is still ongoing work but will mean that once our new website is deployed you will always have latest info available for Classes, Spells and Talents across the board.

We dropped this small preview in our #general channel on Discord but if you have not seen below is an example of the Druid class page.

Challenge Modes Unification

This month, we decided to spend some time on unifying our challenge modes to create a more cohesive and rewarding experience for adventurers tackling the Soul of Iron and Explorer’s Contract. These modes were added at different stages of development, and while they’ve always been popular, we felt it was time to bring them in line with each other and enhance the ways we celebrate your achievements.

We’ve introduced a new Challenges chat channel to highlight your milestones and keep the community inspired. This read-only channel is dedicated to announcements related to the Soul of Iron and Explorer’s Contract challenges, celebrating key milestones and achievements of players taking on these modes. For Soul of Iron participants, it will also broadcast the ultimate consequence—your death. Should you fall, the entire world of Azeroth will be informed of your demise, marking the end of your iron-wrought journey. Functionally, it works like any other chat channel, but it’s purpose-built to keep the focus on challenge-related updates. If you prefer not to see these announcements, you can opt out of the channel at any time through your chat settings.

Starting at level 20, you’ll earn a Feat of Strength Achievement, an announcement in the new Challenges world channel, and a handy 12-slot bag filled with utility potions to aid your journey.

At level 40, the rewards improve with a 16-slot bag and an upgraded variety of potions.

Finally, at level 60, you’ll claim the ultimate prize: an 18-slot bag, top-tier potions, and a grand announcement in the world channel celebrating your achievement. Plus, you’ll earn a title that reflects your chosen challenge: “The Ironwrought” for Soul of Iron or “The Patient” for Explorer’s Contract.

To make these challenges more accessible, we’ve added Soul of Iron Chronicler NPCs to all secondary towns, so you can quickly opt-in to this daring mode.

Both challenges must now be taken before or at level 8, and a friendly reminder will arrive in your mailbox at level 5 to introduce you to these modes.

Kes Korner

Kes joined our team in 2024 and has quickly become an integral part of the project, focusing almost exclusively on creating new content, items, quests, and reputations. From polishing existing ideas to crafting entirely fresh experiences, Kes has a hand in shaping much of what players will explore and enjoy. This corner will spotlight their fun work this month and give you a sneak peek at the exciting additions they’re bringing to the world.

New NPCs for Class and Race Combinations

This month, Kes has introduced NPCs to reflect our new Class and Race Combinations, making Azeroth feel more alive and inclusive. Whether you’re a Dwarf Mage, Gnome Priest, Undead Paladin, or Troll Warlock, you’ll now find NPCs representing these combinations scattered throughout the world. These characters bring more depth and consistency to the game, making your chosen class and race feel truly integrated into Azeroth’s story.

From mysterious Dwarf spellcasters studying ancient texts to stoic Undead champions wielding the Light, these NPCs add personality and life to the world. It’s a small detail, but one that goes a long way in making Azeroth feel vibrant and ever-evolving.

Searing Shenanigans

As many in our community know, we’ve added well over a thousand new quests to the world, but some zones still needed extra attention. Searing Gorge was one such area, previously offering only a handful of quests to adventurers. Thanks to Kes, this zone has received a significant boost with 10 new quests, tripling the original number. These additions include a mix of neutral and faction-exclusive content, ensuring there’s something fresh for everyone.

The new quests bring life to Searing Gorge’s rugged terrain, from laying restless spirits to rest at the Grimesilt Dig Site to thwarting the Twilight’s Hammer as they creep toward the heart of the mountain. Whether you’re battling cultists or uncovering the secrets of the dig site, Searing Gorge now offers a richer and more engaging experience for all adventurers.

The Bearded Barmaid

The inn in Stormwind’s Dwarven District has received a charming upgrade with the addition of new NPCs and signage featuring the name of The Bearded Barmaid. This flavorful touch brings more life to the district and gives players a cozy spot to relax after a long day of adventuring.

The Caretaker’s Behest

For years, the eerie Ariden’s Camp in Deadwind Pass has stood abandoned and largely ignored since the release of Vanilla, its purpose and story left untold. Now, level 57 players can uncover the dark secrets surrounding this long-forgotten location with the new Caretaker’s Behest quest chain. This 4-step journey begins at Ariden’s Camp, where players will meet the enigmatic caretaker, who has been waiting for someone brave enough to uncover the mysteries that lie hidden in the shadows of Deadwind Pass.

Baradin Hold Polish

With Baradin Hold, our new level 58+ dungeon on the isle of Tol Barad, we are rapidly approaching this being entirely content complete with the vast majority of bugs resolved. With that in mind Kes has approached two key pieces of final polish in the form of dungeon quests and even more custom boss loot for you to acquire.

A disturbing report reaches the ears of Grand Admiral Jes-Tereth—pirates have overrun Baradin Hold on Tol Barad, freeing its dangerous prisoners and throwing the island into chaos. Tasked with investigating the situation, you’ll first report to SI:7 in Stormwind, where Renzik gives you the grim details.

In the depths of Tol Barad, two dangerous magic users—Astilos the Hollow and Nazrasash—have escaped their cells, and the Undercity is none too pleased about it. Silas Zimmer, a mage with a penchant for clandestine work, has a task for you: eliminate these two threats before their dark magic wreaks havoc on the Undercity.


Get ready to take your fashion game to the next level with our all-new Transmogrification system! We’ve taken a beloved feature and given it a fresh spin, all while staying true to the spirit of Vanilla. Now, when you collect a Bind on Pickup (BoP) item or equip a Bind on Equip (BoE) item, you’ll unlock its appearance for your collection. This means that every quest reward with multiple items will add all of those visuals to your wardrobe—no more choosing between cool gear! We call this Legion Style appearance collection, and it's here to make your character’s look as unique as your adventures.

Once you’ve got your appearances, simply visit one of our handy Transmogrifiers in any major city. For a small fee (50% of the item’s sell price), you can apply any of your collected looks to your gear, or even hide certain items like your Helm, Shoulders, or Cape—because who needs a helmet when you’re rocking that perfect hairstyle? Want to preview your new look before committing? No problem! Our custom menu lets you browse your collection, preview how each item will look on your character, and apply them all at once for a cumulative fee. Plus, if you change your mind, removing a transmogrification or re-showing a hidden item is completely free!

We also know that some of you prefer the classic, untransmogged look of a more "raw" world. That’s why we’ve introduced the Reality Recalibrators! Simply visit a Transmogrifier and request a pair, and from then on, you’ll only see the raw, untransmogged versions of other players' gear. No more wondering if your shiny new look is distracting someone who prefers the original designs. It’s all about giving you the freedom to choose how you want to experience the world—whether you’re flaunting your latest fashion or keeping it classic. So go ahead, dive into the world of transmogrification, and let your style shine!

While we’re thrilled to roll out Transmogrification with v1 at launch, this is just the beginning! In the future, we plan to expand the system with exciting new features, including preset outfits and a more immersive, graphical user interface to make customizing your look even more fun and intuitive. For now, we’re giving you the core system to enjoy, and we’ll be sharing more details on upcoming improvements as they come! Stay tuned for all the stylish updates ahead!


As we put the finishing touches on all these exciting features, we can’t wait to finally open the floodgates and let you dive into the adventure in 2025! It’s been a long journey, and we’re thrilled to share all the fun, chaos, and fashion with you. So, grab your gear, get ready to transmog your heart out, and prepare for an unforgettable journey ahead. See you in Azeroth—let’s make it a year to remember!


Developer Log - January 2025


Developer Log - November 2024