Open Beta 2 (0.19.0) Patch Notes
- Various tunnels have collapsed and paths diverted within the Deadmines to reduce complexity and confusion particularly during introductory segments.
- Added reworked mechanics and loot for the following dungeons:
- Razorfen Downs.
- Razorfen Kraul.
- Scarlet Monestary.
- Maraudon.
- Uldaman.
- Zul'Farrak.
- A new Scarlet Charger mount can now drop from Sally Whitemane.
- Players may stumble across a [REDACTED].
- Fixed an issue where Grubbis in Gnomeregan had no loot.
- Fixed an issue where Rethilgore in Shadowfang Keep had no loot.
- Dying within the Deadmines should correctly place you at the new Moonbrook Graveyard.
- Scarlet Monestary has received a visual tweak restoring its textures to a WoW Alpha state.
- A large number of quests that originally came later in Vanilla have been brought forward to launch here.
- Hundreds of new quests have been added across the following zones this brings our current total to 600+:
- Dun Morogh.
- Tirisfal Glades.
- Durotar.
- Mulgore.
- Westfall.
- Dustwallow Marsh.
- Hinterlands.
- Tanaris.
- Thousand Needles.
- Feralas.
- Arathi Highlands.
- Stranglethorn Vale.
- Badlands.
- Swamp of Sorrows.
- Desolace.
- Alterac Mountains.
Fixes / Edits
- Mulgore - Objective modifications for A Grim Experience.
- It is no longer possible to kite the Ring of Strength enemies.
- Fixed Amberstill Ranch Ram speed display.
- Various typo's and directions issues resolved in custom quest texts.
- Objectives of Stillwater Eels tweaked.
- Added Agility Ring reward to "A Friend Indeed".
- Lowered the levels of the following Wetlands quests to better match new intended creature levels.
- Report to Captain Stoutfist.
- War Banners.
- Gujek's Gambit.
- Defeat Gujek.
- Fixed a quest ordering issue with the Alliance Call to Water chain.
- Fixed an issue with various quests that had duplicated objective items.
- Morbent Fel now correctly counts as a kill for his associated quest.
- Various fixes to the Wizzlecrank Shredder chain.
- Added new quests for unlocking your level 40 mount and Apprentice Riding skill.
- Corrected the level of every mount in the game to require level 40 for Apprentice Riding and level 60 for Journeyman Riding.
- All mount speeds now scale by your learned Riding Skill.
- Wolfshead Helm no longer grants 20 Energy when entering cat form and 5 rage when entering bear form. It instead now grants 39 Feral Attack Power.
- Weapons that have bonus Feral AP (Such as Atiesh or Blessed Qiraji War Hammer) now correctly display the full value in the tooltip. Druids will see the Natural Feral Attack Power + Bonus Feral Attack Power as one number, while Non-Druids will only see the bonus number.
- Adjusted the Blizzlike Feral AP to kick in at Item Level 64, up from 59. This nerfs a few items by a few attack power but buffs over a dozen that previously had 0 Feral AP.
- Any existing Blizzard items that previously gave + Weapon Skill will be converted to use Expertise, with some items retaining their weapon type requirement.
- Manual Crowd Pummeler is now Unique.
- Fixed out of bounds weapon speeds for various custom weapons.
- Fixed sheath types for various custom weapons.
- It is now possible to fish up a Sea Turtle from fishing pools in the world.
- The Staff of Affinity Blacksmithing pattern has been reworked to be for Enchanting.
- Learning Expert fishing now requires a book and Artisan a Nat Pagle quest as it did in Classic.
- Various new recipes have been added for the following professions:
- Engineering.
- Blacksmithing.
- Leatherworking.
- Tailoring.
- Enchanting.
- Added Block and fixed Reagants for Heavy Mithril Shield.
- Basic Campfire now correctly requires Flint and Tinder.
- Re-itemized numerous Blizzard profession items to remove ratings.
- Enchant Bracer - Minor Deflection reworked to not use ratings.
- Added 2 new Leatherworking Bags.
- Added Fishing Tackle Box items for storing fishing items.
- The Harborage within the Swamp of Sorrows has been expanded to be a full fledged Alliance town.
- New Feralas Ogre outpost named Gluk's Compound serving new quests.
- Steamwheedle Port has received a radical expansion with new NPC's, Quests and more.
- A new Horde outpost can be found in southern Tanaris named Anje'Watha.
- Improved the visual of the Grimtotem camp within Mulgore.
- The Mirage Raceway has been upgraded with new visuals and a player enterable race, compete amongst your fellow players for fun cosmetic rewards! Speak to Peach to begin unlocking your drivers license.
- A new neutral Goblin town named Springsocket has opened for business in the Badlands.
- The Shadowforge have begun expanded digging within the Badlands.
- Stonetalon Peak renamed to Stonetalon Grove.
- Fort Airheart is now populated with level appropriate enemies.
- Thistleshrub Valley in Tanaris has been expanded.
- A new Alliance hub within Desolace named Squigglecord Outpost can now be found.
- Ahn'Qiraj should now be properly closed.
- Restored Pagle's Landing.
- New Micro World Bosses:
- Silithid Lurker within Tanaris.
- Corrupted Ancient within Ashenvale.
- Creatures will now wait up to 5 seconds after spawning to begin attacking.
- Looting Chests, Mining and Skinning Actions should now cause hostile creatures withing 10-15 yards to engage combat.
- Various improvements to creature path finding in the world.
- Creatures will now move back if you stand too close to them.
- Creatures will now fan out around their target when other hostiles are near.
- Restored Zorbin Fandazzle.
- Arena Team Charter NPC added within Gadgetzan.
- Arena Queue Joining NPC added within Gadgetzan.
- Various new NPC's and creatures have been added to the world to support new Quest content.
- Updated the visuals of Cairne Bloodhoof.
- Updated the visuals of Vol'jin.
- Updated the visuals of Nazgrel.
- Kaya Ragetotem now correctly uses Tauren Female sounds.
- Restored Revantusk Village spawns.
- Venture Co. Strip Miners now correctly resume combat after casting their dynamite.
- Reworked visuals of Grimtotem enemies within Mulgore.
- Thorium Point NPC's have been restored.
- Azuregos is now roaming Azshara inspecting Elven ruins. He is unattackable.
- Flag NPCs for PvP using Classic sniffed data.
- Correctly flag various custom NPC's as civilians.
- New Rare Creatures have been added to the following zones:
- Barrens.
- Redridge Mountains.
- Wetlands.
- Duskwood.
- Hillsbrad.
- Alterac Mountains.
- Tanaris.
- Dustwallow Marsh.
- Thousand Needles.
- Hinterlands.
- Feralas.
- Arathi Highlands.
- Stranglethorn Vale.
- Badlands.
- Swamp of Sorrows.
- Desolace.
- It is now possible to enable a 50% reduced exp rewards contract within each secondary town at or before level 6 to slow down and take in everything new.
- A new cart transportation service is now available in low level zones offering free passage for up to 4 adventurers at a time.
- Added a new reputation for Aerie Peak and attached reputation gains to various quests with exclusive rewards. Seek out a Quartermaster to know more.
- Added a new reputation for the Revantusk Tribe and attached reputation gains to various quests with exclusive rewards. Seek out a Quartermaster to know more.
- Restored the memorial for Anthony Ray Stark in the Hillsbrad Foothills.
- The Caverns of Time are now closed.
- Typically a Raid level boss would have a base Parry chance of 14% and a base Dodge chance of 6.5%. We are reducing this across the board by 50% which means using the same example of a Raid level boss they would now have 7% base Parry and 3.25% base Dodge. This lowered value means that on average a DPS should only want 1 or 2 items that use Expertise and a Tank may want up to 3 depending on the raw amount of Expertise on an item.
- Breath timer restored to 1 minute.
- Restored Shield Block values to a TBC state.
- Energy based classes now use the TBC energy tick system.
- Removed the low level Mana and Health regen increases from Wrath bringing this back to a TBC state.
- Talking while dancing should no longer interrupt dancing.
- It is now possible to cancel "on next swing" spells.
- Tab target swapping while using Autoshoot now correctly swaps actual target.
- Chance to Melee and Spell Crit restored to a TBC state.
- Combat Rating formula restored to a TBC state.
- HP and MP Regen formula restored to a TBC state.
- Regen per point of Spirit restored to a TBC state.
- Crit to Dodge multipliers restored to a TBC state.
- The following Race & Class combinations are now available with associated Quests, Trainers and in the case of Priests Racials:
- Undead Hunter.
- Troll Warlock.
- Tauren Priest.
- Human Hunter.
- Dwarf Mage.
- Gnome Priest.
- With the exception of Cannibalize and Wisp Form (See Later Section) all base racials have been restored to function as they did in The Burning Crusade.
- Variety of Weapon Skill Racials has been expanded to include the following:
- Sword - Reduces your chance to be dodged or parried with Swords and Two-Handed Swords by 1%.
- Mace - Reduces your chance to be dodged or parried with Maces and Two-Handed Maces by 1%.
- Fist - Reduces your chance to be dodged or parried with Fist Weapons by 1%.
- Gun - Your chance to critically hit with Guns is increased by 1%.
- Polearm - Reduces your chance to be dodged or parried with Polearms by 1%.
- Staves - Reduces your chance to be dodged or parried with Staves by 1%.
- Bow - Your chance to critically hit with Bows is increased by 1%.
- Crossbow - Your chance to critically hit with Crossbows is increased by 1%.
- Dagger - Reduces your chance to be dodged or parried with Daggers by 1%.
- Thrown - Your chance to critically hit with Thrown Weapons is increased by 1%.
- Wand - Your chance to critically hit with Wands is increased by 1%.
- These will be distributed to the following Races:
- Orc - Axe, Fist, Polearm.
- Tauren - Gun, Staff, Mace.
- Undead - Sword, Dagger, Wand.
- Troll - Bow, Thrown, Axe.
- Human - Sword, Mace, Wand.
- Dwarf - Gun, Axe, Mace, Fist
- Night Elf - Staff, Bow, Polearm.
- Gnome - Dagger, Sword, Thrown.
- Night Elf: Wisp Form converted to purely visual providing no speed bonus. They have been given a new ability named Touch of Elune.
- Undead: Cannibalize has been reworked to be purely visual providing no bonus. They have been given a new ability Rotten Rations.
- The following new Cosmetic racials have been added:
- Human - Banner of Heritage - Place a Kingdom of Stormwind Banner at your feet lasting for 3 minutes.
- Dwarf - Special Brew - Provide a placeable Keg of Special Ale for your allies to drink from.
- Gnome - Gnomish Innovation - Your flight path routes throughout the world will take on the appearance of a Gnomish Gyrocopter.
- Night Elf - Wisp Form - Take on the visual of a Wisp when you travel while dead.
- Tauren - Tribal Totem - Don a Tauren Tribal Totem on your back for 10 minutes.
- Troll - Bwonsamdi's Judgement - On death there is a chance for the Loa Bwonsamdi to appear and mock your failure.
- Undead - Cannibalize - Appear to consume an Undead or Humanoid. corpse.
- Orc - Lo'Gosh's Guidance - While travelling when dead you will ride an embodiment of Lo'Gosh with his pack.
- Shaman AP formula restored to a TBC state.
- It is no longer possible to use Heroism and Bloodlust right after each other.
- Improved the tooltip of Bloodlust, Heroism, Sated, and Exhausted.
- Reduced the spell level of Bloodlust and Heroism to match trained level, now it can hit players as low as level 44, was previously unable to hit players below level 60 as the spell level was 70.
- Various improvements to Rockbiter Weapon.
- Various improvements to Flametongue Weapon.
- The effect of Wolfshead Helm has been added baseline to Furor.
- Frenzied Regeneration implemented.
- Faerie Fire now correctly prevents stealth.
- Natures Grasp now correctly requires Entangling Roots.
- Fixed an issue causing Arcane Missiles Rank 1 to do too few damage.
- Fixed Mana Agate and Mana Jade not expiring while offline.
- Fixed Improved Blizzard Talent.
- Fixed Shatter.
- Fixed Molten Shields and Frost Warding not reflecting school specific spells.
- Parry now correctly requires level 6 to learn.
- Fixed Improved Revenge proccing wildly.
- Fixed Shield Specialization.
- Fixed an issue where Execute would sometimes trigger with no effect.
- Fixed Soulstone Duration and Item Cooldown.
- Demon Skin and Demon Armor can no longer stack.
- Amplify Curse now correctly increases damage rather than decreasing it.
- Shadow Embrace now correctly triggers.
- Imps should now correctly auto-cast Blood Pact.
- Fixed Ritual of Summoning consuming two soul shards.
- Spirit Tap nerfed.
- Nether Protection now correctly only triggers from the set families.
- Restored level 40 mount quests.
- Fixed being able to stack Hunters Mark Out of Combat.
- Reworked Pet size scaling, this is confirmed blizzlike now.
- Misdirection implemented.
- Entrapment implemented.
- Hunter pets should no longer spin wildly in combat.
- Vampiric Touch implemented.
- Renew can can no longer stack with your own previous Renew casts but can stack with other priests Renew casts..
- Priest Racials restored to a TBC state available from Trainer rather than quests.
- Feedback implemented.
- Touch of Weakness implemented.
- Various fixes to Mana Burn.
- Vanish should now correctly trigger a stealth UI update.
- Vanish now correctly removes Hunters Mark.
- Added Cloak of Shadows class quest.
- Seal of Wisdom Implemented.
- Improved Sanctity Aura fixed.
- Benediction Talent now correctly only impacts Judgements and Seals.
- Fixed Judgement of Light Scaling.
- Better implementation of Seal of Righteousness.
- FIxed Improved Blessing of Might.
- Fixed Improved Judgement Talent.
- Restored level 40 mount quests.
- Divine Protection Rank 2 now correctly triggers Forbearance.
- Seal Twisting has been formally implemented as an intended mechanic based on the TBC Classic implementation. Seal Twisting is the process of activating a new Seal when one already exists right before your Auto Attack. This only works if the initial seal is either Seal of Command or Seal of Righteousness. There is a small window (500ms, up from 400ms on TBC Classic) where both Seals will be active at the same time, granting your Auto Attack the benefit from both.
- Spell casting damage pushback rules restored to a TBC state.
- Various improvements to Root and Fear effects breaking with damage to restore to a TBC state.
- Heal Over Time and Damage Over Time effects can no longer crit.
- Various changes have been made around Aura stacking rules bringing this closer in line to a TBC state. Also impacts Scrolls.
- Various Class Abilities should no longer end up in the General Tab.
- The following spells are now flagged for World Buff Removal when entering raids, tooltips updated to match:
- Warchief's Blessing.
- Rallying Cry of the Dragon Slayer.
- Spirit of Zandalar.
- Sayge's Dark Fortune of Damage
- Sayge's Dark Fortune of Resistance
- Sayge's Dark Fortune of Armor
- Sayge's Dark Fortune of Intelligence
- Sayge's Dark Fortune of Spirit
- Sayge's Dark Fortune of Stamina
- Sayge's Dark Fortune of Strength
- Sayge's Dark Fortune of Agility
- Mol'dar's Moxie
- Fengus' Ferocity
- Slip'kik's Savvy
- Songflower Serenade
- Soul Revival
- Battle Shout (Fallen Hero of the Horde buff)
- Resist Fire (Blackrock Spire Mind Control Buff)
- Sea Turtle achievement re-enabled.
- Dungeon achievements now require a full clear of every boss in the dungeon to complete.
- The achievement Storming Stormwind now requires Highlord Bolvar Fordragon and now features a new icon.
- The achievement Explore Alterac Mountains now lists "Dalaran" as a criteria instead of "Dalaran Crater".
- The achievement Call in the Cavalry now properly excludes the Swift Warstrider blood elf mount instead of accidentally excluding the Black Battlestrider gnome mount.
- The achievements Freedom of the Horde and Freedom of the Alliance have been removed.
- Fixed an issue where players could get Bloody Coins by committing suicide.
- Reorganized the Stormwind and Orgrimmar PvP halls, restoring the original appearances of the NPCs and restoring or changing their functionality.
- Wintergrasp details hidden.
- A new weekly quest available at Silverwing Grove or Mor'shan Base Camp to win 3 Warsong Gulch matches. From levels 10-59 this rewards a large amount of experience and 250 reputation, at level 60 it rewards 5 gold and 250 reputation. In future patches this will reward Honor Points as well, and Conquest Points at level 60.
- New rewards have been added to the Warmode Accesories vendor.
- Minimaps added for various custom locales.
- Racial abilities are housed within a new spell book tab.
- Added a global World chat channel.
- Added PvP Shapeshift markers to display when various forms are in use clearly.
- Hit chance now reads: "Improves your chance to hit with melee and ranged attacks by $s1%.".
- Crit chance now reads: "Improves your chance to get a critical strike with melee and ranged attacks by $s1%.".
- Other various tooltips updated to reflect this change, such as Devilsaur Eye and Elixir of the Mongoose.
- The Minimap now displays an approximation of the current "Game Time" and this can also be seen when hovering over the clock.
- The Character Pane has received a functional rewrite to better display TBC appropriate stats and fix various issues with stat modifiers not displaying correctly. This may have impacts for those using certain addons.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the feedback UI to duplicate.
- Hid any references to Blood Elves and Draenei in UI.
Beta Specific
- Added a multi-class trainer to all starting areas and cities.
- Added a Miscellaneous Goods vendor to all starting areas and cities.
- Added a level booster to all starting areas and cities providing a boost to 30.
- Added starter gear vendor to all starting areas and cities providing an initial set of testing gear.
- Added a teleporter to all starting areas and cities providing access to various zones.
- Added a profession booster to all starting areas and cities providing easy access to 150 skill and recipes.
- The Sprouts Guild has been disabled to reduce strain caused by players rapidly joining and boosting out of the guild.
Known Issues
- Creature orientation when feared out of combat is not correct.
- Consuming potions / elixirs while in combat or force removing auras can cause the player to not be able to drink more. Relog to fix.
- Animations sometimes stick. We have not been able to replicate this consistently but lots of reports in beta 1. Monitoring the situation.
- Stitches does not spawn. This was a hackfix from Beta 1 that has persisted, expect changes for Beta 3.
- The Leap effect for the Mirage Raceway has a chance to never spawn on certain realm starts, investigating this.
- Shaman: Some totems that should do instant threat currently do not.
- Shaman: Elemental Mastery correctly affects crit chance, but not cast time.
- Shaman: Purification effect not applying correctly.
- Priest: Misery not functioning correctly.
- Mage: Empowered Arcane Missiles does not increase mana cost.
- Mage: Ice Floes does not reduce cooldown.