Patch 0.19.5


  • The Horde intro to the Blazing Hills now correctly triggers as complete when reaching Atrasies.
  • Gnome Car Parts for the quest The Perfect Fuel now respawn more frequently.


  • Silithid Lurker - Increased experience reward, health, damage, frequency of attacks and added a new mechanic.


  • Custom +Healing items now correctly have their 33% increase to Spell Damage.
  • The intended 50% bonus stamina should now be correctly applying for all custom items.
  • Wand of Ogrehair now has the correct attack damage.
  • Tue Family Crest is now correctly a shield.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Ring of Strength staff reward Battle Mage Baton to have Melee/Ranged Crit instead of Spell Crit. Due to the accidental flavor of a "Battle Mage" being provided, this item now has a small amount of Strength.


  • Scarlet Monestary - Houndmaster Loksey's Impale should no longer be ticking for a massive amount.
  • Glittermurk Mines - Foreman Sprocket's Ceramic Plating can no longer be taken out of Glittermurk Mines by a mage using Spellsteal.


  • Misc - Class mounts such as the Warhorse and Felsteed are no longer allergic to water.
  • Human - The Human Spirit now correctly 10% benefit.
  • Night Elf - Touch of Elune effects now persists through death once applied.
  • Troll - Bwonsamdi's Judgement chance to appear increased to 50%.
  • Shaman - Windfury can now be procced by Stormstrike.
  • Shaman - Windfury Totem R2 and above now correctly remain spawned when summoned.
  • Shaman - Shamanistic Focus now correctly procs from all melee abilities eg Stormstrike.
  • Druid - Feral forms no longer benefit from Windfury Totem.
  • Warrior - Deathwish now correctly lives in the Arms spellbook tab.
  • Warrior - Victory Rush now correctly scales with AP matching the TBC formula and can no longer be used multiple times between kills in certain circumstances.
  • Warrior - Improved Revenge now procs correctly.
  • Warlock - Voidwalker Sacrifice now correctly kills the Void Walker.
  • Paladin - Blessing of Sanctuary Rank 2 now correctly only procs on blocks.


  • Replaced the Blizzard GM chat icon with an Epoch specific one.
  • Fixed a typo for Undead characters on the Character Creation screen.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented level 45 or below characters from joining Arena Skirmish's.
  • PvP Adaptation Trinket has been re-enabled.
  • Server side changes to improve output of crash logs.



Patch 0.19.4