Patch 0.26.0 Release Notes
General Changes
The below content reflects changes made since Beta 3. This is not a comprehensive list of all features and changes.
Test Specific Changes
- On Test Realms, Lana Wellway now sells the Shadowforge Key, Skeleton Key, and Scarlet Key, in addition to a new Hunter only tome that levels your pet to your current level and rogue supplies.
- A new Beta only NPC has been added named Aldber Stein, he sells consumables and enchantment scrolls. Note that he is currently in a pre-raid state and will not sell items obtained inside Molten Core or Onyxia's Lair.
- Disabled flasks from being sold for Beta 3.5.
- Disabled Drakefire Talisman from being sold for Beta 3.5.
- Disabled Legendary Consumable Crate from being sold for Beta 3.5.
- Level 60 boosts now contain more appropriate items for some specs.
- Beta pets have not been enabled for this test. Do not fear you will get them on launch.
- Loremaster info has now been added for every relevant custom quest line across both factions.
- Horde players no longer see two Loremaster of Eastern Kingdoms and two Loremaster of Kalimdor achievements.
- Stratholme: Service Gate achievement is now in the Dungeons category.
- Removed the achievements "25 Fish" and "5 Daily Quests Completed" to reduce achievement spam. The higher steps of these achievement chains still exist.
- A new achievement has been added called "The Numismatist" that asks you to collect a hidden coin from every zone (and BRM). Note, these are hidden on beta realms.
- A new achievement has been added called "Plenty of Fish in the Sea" which requires you to catch every non-rare non-seasonal fish in the game. This includes Lava fish.
- Accomplished Angler no longer requires "Master Angler of Azeroth" as the Booty Bay fishing derby does not exist at launch. It now requires "Turtles All the Way Down", "Blackmaw Angler", and "Plenty of Fish in the Sea".
- Converted the Beta 3 achievement to their final Feat of Strength form and hooked up their rewards.
- Fixed miscellaneous small achievement issues.
Challenge Modes
Challenges must be accepted before exceeding level 8.
Players now receive an in-game mail at level 5 alerting them to the existence of Challenges.
Added a new Challenges opt-out global channel which is read-only and used to display notifications related to our optional Challenge Modes: Soul of Iron and the Explorer's Contract.
Challenge rewards have been reworked so that all Challenges have the same simple rewards:
Level 20 - Feat of Strength Achievement, Global Announcement, 12 Slot Bag, Mix of level appropriate utility potions.
Level 40 - Feat of Strength Achievement, Global Announcement, 16 Slot Bag, Mix of level appropriate utility potions.
Level 60 - Feat of Strength Achievement, Title, Fancy Global Announcement, 18 Slot Bag, Mix of level appropriate utility potions.
Soul of Iron Chroniclers have been added to all secondary towns.
Soul of Iron deaths will now be posted to the new Challenges channel.
Soul of Iron's Tarnished Soul debuff can no longer stack.
Soul of Iron's Tarnished Soul now correctly prevents the usage of Hearthstones, Teleports, Portals and Summons and its description now reflects that.
Fixed an issue where somehow getting on a flight path with the Tarnished Soul debuff sent you on weird adventures.
- NPCs will now call for assistance from nearby allies every 3 seconds in combat. This enables chain pull aggro.
- Removed all creature resistances and correctly set them to 1.12 state for the 1099 creatures that require them.
- Restored all Blizzard creatures to their 1.12 models except for specific mobs that Epoch has customized such as Sylvanas.
- Numerous unused Blizzard NPCs adjusted to be questgivers and have new gossip text or vendor items.
- Added many NPC representations of our new Class and Race combos to the world.
- Added numerous flavor NPCs to capital cities.
Bug Fixes
- NPCs that existed in 1.12 but were changed during TBC or WotLK no longer have obscene stats.
- Dark Riders no longer become bugs.
- There is no longer a Forsaken NPC hiding under the map in Alterac Mountains.
- Centipaar Tunnelers no longer randomly despawn.
- Fixed faction hostility for hundreds of creatures such as Witch Doctor Mau'ri.
- Fixed all Fox creature audio files. They should no longer bug out and loop forever.
- Fixed all cases where custom loot was leaking into blizzard creature tables, typically from a rare added to that zone.
- Fixed gold drop amounts for 900 creatures.
- Fixed the spell school immunity of 68 creatures.
- Fixed an issue where creatures were spamming some buff abilities. Notable example: Anvilrage Medic.
- Fixed swimming flags of some custom creatures: Chunky Grouper, Vile Shark, Lake Grouper, Shore Shark, Six Gill Shark, Living Tide.
- Fixed an issue with corpses not disappearing when an instance resets.
- Fixed memory leaks in creature formations.
- Fixed an issue where Milli Featherwhistle would sell the White Mechanostrider Mod A and Icy Blue Mechanostrider Mod A.
- Lady Sylvanas Windrunner has received a new appearance to fit better in a Classic world.
- High Tinker Mekkatorque no longer sometimes spawns with his WotLK outfit. He has intentionally kept his WotLK weapon, however.
- Implements the Stromgarde Warhorse texture made by Ashnagarr (Thank you!) and attaches it to Lieutenant Valorcall in Stromgarde.
- Un'goro Wasp now only have one display ID.
- Replaced the appearance of a Broken that was clinging to its TBC model.
- Added <Explorer's data-preserve-html-node="true" League> Subnames to six NPCs.
- Added 11 new NPCs in Horde Capital Cities that are part of the Lorespeakers faction. Additional Lorespeakers can be found around the world.
- Humanoid inhabitants of Felstone Fortress in the Blasted Lands can now swim.
- Various NPCs in Sen'jin Village should now sporadically dance.
- Updated script for Elder Torntusk in Jintha'Alor.
- Vendors no longer sell TBC bullets or arrows.
- Lorraine Halford, Muln Earthfury and Suli are now all correctly training their respective classes.
- Added a new Alliance shaman trainer in the Great Forge area of Ironforge and in Aerie Peak.
- Added an Alliance priest trainer somewhere in Desolace.
- Added a Horde warlock trainer somewhere in Burning Steppes.
- Mathredis Firestar and all of his arcanums and the required librams have been removed and will return in some form in the future.
- Deathclaw flagged as Elite.
- Various green dragons flagged as Elite.
- Elder Dragonkin are flagged as Elite.
- Various adjustments to Durnholde Keep mobs. They now use the correct stats relative to the rest of the game for their level and rank.
- Syndicate Taskmaster Heroic Strike no longer hits for thousands of damage.
- Fallen Hero now aggro on create and despawn after 1 minute of no combat.
- Added mechanic immunities to Franklin the Friendly.
- Reduced the aggro radius of Timothy Cunningham.
- Lesser Dalaran Guardians now have 40% less mana.
- Updated Kuzajra Crawler Loot.
- Custom rare creature stats adjusted across the board.
- A number of rare spawn item drops have been adjusted.
- Rare Eelios should no longer leave water.
- Adjusted pathing of rare Narillasanz.
- Rare Precipise visual updated, level nerfed, spawn time drastically increased. Also received a ground up remake: now level 7, with a reduced chance to cast his abilities alongside increased cooldowns. He is now more appropriately tuned for being a rare due to above changes.
- Decreased rare Timber respawn time.
- Poison cloud removed from rare Felsnap.
- Bookie Herod is now flagged as a rare NPC with new unique loot.
- Dynamic respawning has been rewritten to factor in different logic for game objects and creatures and have much broader configuration.
- Set many various creatures and objects, such as Artilleryman Sheldonore, to spawn at launch to fix uncompletable quests and achievements. Some creatures that are purely cosmetic were also brought forward to launch.
- Removed a number of incorrect spawns.
- High Overlord Saurfang has arrived in Orgrimmar.
- Soulflayer Ghruzokh no longer always drops incredible gear, and his respawn timer was reduced from 3 hours to 5 minutes. Some of his old items have been moved elsewhere and the rest may show up again in the future.
- Ported and converted Vanilla loot table data from vMangos including Standard Loot, Skinning, Pickpocketing, Disenchanting, Container, Chest, and Profession node tables - about 9,000 total entries.
- Our custom data was changed to fit the vMangos data structure to maintain database consistency.
- Various alcoholic drinks and fireworks should no longer be erroneously free. Party's over, sorry!
- Mount costs have been adjusted and unified across the board.
- Fixed numerous ranged weapons being held in the wrong hand or having strange animations when used.
- Fixed a gold duplication issue caused by custom items that sold in stacks from vendors and implemented safeguards to prevent it from occurring in the future.
- Fixed an issue where cloned loot tables would clone items that had been deleted on the parent loot table. This was most noticable on custom creatures dropping cloth scavenging extra drops.
- Fixed an issue where using a single item in a slot with charges modified charges in all slots.
- Fixed dispelling movement impairing auras by PvP-trinket and similar spells.
Blizzard Item Changes
- Various updates to Tier 0 quest-crafted and world drop rewards including those made from epic materials from Upper Blackrock Spire.
- Various updates to existing Blizzard items within Stratholme, Scholomance, and Blackrock Spire.
- Fixed an issue where Dragonstrike Leggings and Blackstorm Leggings were still displaying stat ratings in addition to percentage stats.
- You can now buy the Speedy Racer Goggles (originally removed in Patch 1.8) from the Mirage Raceway for 10 raceway tickets.
- Sulfuron Slammer now deals a non-negligible amount of damage when consumed.
- Jungle Remedy now cures up to 2 diseases and 2 poisons from the imbiber. (Was all)
- Rivenspike and Bashguuder have had their armor reduction effect reduced from 200 to 115.
- Sunderer's Mastery has had its effect reduced from 75 to 60.
- Developer's Note: The above two reductions are in line with broad nerfs to armor-reducing abilities.
- Fixed an issue where some item sets were not restored to their Classic state. Item sets restored to their Classic state and early custom item sets should no longer have +Weapon Skill effects.
- Bullets and Arrows now stack to 250 (was 200) and all sources of a full stack of ammo have been increased to 250.
- Vendors no longer mistakenly sell the old 200 count throwing weapons alongside the new durability based ones used on Epoch.
- Quivers and Ammo Pouches now all have 2 additional inventory slots.
- Quiver haste should now properly transition between weapon equips.
Custom Item Changes
- Many custom items have been intentionally hidden with a legendary "Lorem Ipsum" item. This item drops so that players know the loot tables are working correctly.
- Many custom armor, weapon and consumable items have received adjustments.
- Fixed the sounds of every non-axe custom weapon.
- Adjusted the class distribution of Tier Tokens.
- Tier Tokens can now be disenchanted.
- Fixed an issue where many custom shield items did not have block value.
- Darkened Needler now works as a crossbow and has correct damage, its stats have also been adjusted.
- The item Talons of Calypso has had its stack size limit reduced from 35 to 25.
- Glyphed Hearthstones no longer display Interrupted when used and hearthstone glyphs seamlessly apply on use.
Player Characters
Improvements to Character Pane Defense calculations and display.
Improvements to Character Pane Spell + Melee + Ranged Hit calculations and display. This includes 3 new lua functions GetMeleeHitModifier, GetRangedHitModifier, GetSpellHitModifier that can be used by addons to display accurate results.
Various underlying stat calculations have been reworked to match TBC including:
AGI -> Crit.
AGI -> Dodge.
Dodge Percentage Calculation.
Crit Percentage Calculation.
Parry Percent Calculation.
Block Percent Calculation.
Numerous improvements to Hit calculations.
Removed diminishing returns for numerous stats.
Dwarf Male skin colors 6, 7, and 8 now display red eyes regardless of your face option, just like they did prior to WotLK.
Race class starting weapon skills have been reverted to their 1.12 state, this also fixes the issue where Troll Warriors didn't start with the Thrown skill.
Custom race/class combination starting skills updated to reflect the above fix.
Fixed an issue where Troll Warriors started with an old 200 count thrown weapon instead of a durability based one.
Fixed a crash that occurs when deleting a character that has C.O.D. mail.
Players should now correctly re-join chat channels after they reach the end of their flight path if they logged out in mid transit.
Improvements made to getting drunk. It is now possible to sober up via spells.
Racials & Racial Knowledge
- The Human Racial "Diplomacy" has been reworked as follows: "You receive an additional 5% gold discount for factions with which you are Friendly or above."
- Fixed an issue where the Orc Racial "Hardiness" was granting 15% increased Fire and Nature resistance instead of Stun resistance.
- Fixed an issue where Tauren Racial "Endurance" did not increase health.
- Troll Racial "Berserking" has been rescripted and should be both more stable and usable in Druid forms.
- Added unique flavor racial flavor for Shadowmeld, Touch of Elune, Quickness, Blood Fury, and Elusiveness.
- Touch of Elune now correctly activates and de-activates when swapping.
- Added missing icons for Touch of Elune racial variants.
- Hid racial knowledge skill bar.
- Added an aura for when you're using a racial set besides your own race.
- The Racial Knowledge spellbook tab is no longer bound by the restrictions of alphabetical ordering and will now always be the final tab for every class.
- Racial Knowledge spellbook tab has received a new icon.
- Selecting a Racial Knowledge option now gives you 30 minutes of free swapping so you can try out your new racials on a training dummy. Leaving the city will cancel this effect.
- Racial Knowledge NPCs now display your remaining cooldown when you speak to them while you're on the racial swapping cooldown.
Transmogrification 1.0 has been added with new Transmogrifiers present in all major faction capitals. Guards have gossip to help direct you.
- Transmog is on by default. Visiting a Transmogrifier will allow you to opt out of seeing Transmogrification on other players, for purists.
- Appearances are automatically collected in Legion fashion, including quest rewards you have not selected. To collect a transmog it must fit into a slot type your class knows, and be usable by your class, race, and faction.
- You collect appearances for armor you can eventually wear including Hunters and Shamans collecting mail, and Warriors and Paladins collecting plate before learning the armor type.
- You can transmog 1-Handed Weapons and 2-Handed weapons regardless of subtype within those groups, but ranged weapons, shields, and offhands must match type. For example a 1-Handed Mace can be transmogrified into a 1-Handed Axe, but you cannot transmogrify a Gun into a Bow.
- Transmogrification cost per slot changed is 50% of that items sell price. No fee for reverting changes.
- New profession templates and hooks created to make new profession content easier in the future.
- Adjusted the yellow/green/gray range for many custom recipes.
- Some custom recipes have had changes to their component materials or stats.
- Previously available trainer custom recipes over 250 skill level are now all physical recipes obtainable in the world.
- Many endgame profession crafting recipes and crafted items have been adjusted.
- A few new profession recipes added in a previous update are now Bind on Pickup to increase the value of leveling the profession yourself. These are: Agile Citrine Amulet, Strong Silver Broadsword, Heavy Attuned Armor, and Toughened Leather Hat.
- Some profession items that were added in TBC or WotLK that were intentionally kept on Epoch no longer erroneously have stats that do not exist on Epoch.
- Skinning should now match the time it took in 1.12. Other gathering skills that can now harvest from corpses have been adjusted to match this Skinning time.
- The positions of all Mining Nodes, Herbalism Nodes, and Chests in the world have been corrected and pooled. This should resolve many issues with overlapping spawns.
- Added Knot Thimblejack's Dire Maul cache recipes to various locations in the world. All of Knot Thimblejack's recipes and Advanced Armorsmithing book recipes have been allocated to a new home for launch.
- Fixed blacksmithing belt buckles, leatherworking armor kits, and tailoring embroideries not appearing in the correct category of their profession menu.
- Profession Specialization trainers now correctly require the specialization to be learned to train their recipes.
- Profession Specialization quests now consistently warn you when you are on the stage of the questline that locks you out of obtaining the other specializations.
- Recipe items that required specific Profession Specializations in 1.12 now have their requirements as intended.
- Fixed various issues causing Profession Specialization NPCs and quests to not behave the way they did in 1.12.
- Flask of the Titans has had its health value reverted to its 1.12 value of 1200 (was 400).
- Purification Potion now cures 1 harmful magic effect instead of 1 poison. The other effects are unchanged.
- Restorative Potion has been reworked. It now cures all diseases and all poisons, once.
- A new consumable has been added somewhere in the world called Potion of Anti-Magic. This level 54 potion cures 1 harmful magic effect from the user every 5 seconds for 30 seconds.
- A new consumable has been added somewhere in the world called Potion of Plagueward. This level 17 potion cures up to 4 diseases from the user.
- A new consumable has been added somewhere in the world called Flask of Overwhelming Might. This flask increases your Attack Power (both melee and ranged) by 90 for 2 hours. Persists through death.
- Adjusted the stats of the Enchanted Philosopher Stone.
- Added a new BoP alchemy craft found in the world.
- Enchanted Thorium Shield now correctly has Block on it.
- Enchanted Thorium Shield has had its stats massively adjusted to a proper stat weight.
- Dark Iron Helmet has been given a new custom appearance, fixing a Blizzard issue where it did not match the rest of its set.
- Fixed an issue where Runic Breastplate was accidentally changed to Runic Plate Boots.
- Elemental Sharpening Stone now behaves as expected.
- Added a new BoP Blacksmith craft found in the world.
- Added various new Blacksmith-made shield recipes, some of which are on the trainer at lower levels.
- Fixed blacksmithing necklaces not appearing in the correct category of the Blacksmithing menu.
- "Exceptional" ring enchantments have been renamed to "Superior" for consistency with other enchantments.
- Enchant Ring - Superior Spell Power and Superior Stamina have been reduced from 10 to 8. Superior Attack Power was reduced from 20 to 14.
- Enchant Ring - Greater Spell Power and Greater Stamina have been reduced from 8 to 6. Greater Attack Power was reduced from 16 to 12.
- Enchant Ring - Spell Power and Stamina have been reduced from 6 to 5. Attack Power was reduced from 12 to 10.
- Enchanting Transmutes have been renamed to "Propagate" to separate them from the Alchemy Transmute term.
- Enchanting Supplies vendors now sell Plain Staves and Conduit Staves, which are now used in the crafting recipes of all staves.
- Enchant Weapon - Crusader is now a Two-Handed Weapon Enchantment.
- Enchant Weapon - Icy Weapon now also deals minor initial upfront damage in addition to its existing effect.
- Enchant Weapon - Lifestealing has had its damage increased by 33%.
- Enchant Weapon - Unholy Weapon has been reworked. Its chance on hit effect will now grant you a bone shield that absorbs 225-300 damage, and increases your Shadow Resistance by 50 while it holds.
- Added new endgame weapon enchantments to discover throughout the world and in instances.
- Fixed an issue where the following enchantments were not reverted to their 1.12 state: Bracer - Healing Power, Shield - Superior Spirit, Bracer - Lesser Deflection, Bracer - Deflection, Shield - Lesser Block.
- Goblin Rocket Helmet no longer causes an auto-attack, and caster knockdown effect added.
- Fixed an issue where Thorium Toolbox was a Big Bag of Hides.
- Lotus affinity can now proc from Black Lotus.
- Herbalists can now obtain herbs from the corpses of dead plant-like creatures.
- Rough Leather Cap is now common quality and its stats have been removed.
- Heavy Leather Hood has been renamed to Toughened Leather Hat.
- Rugged Sorcerer's Kit and Rugged Protector's Kits have had their Spell Power and Stamina increased from 15 to 16.
- Rugged Warrior's Kit has had its attack power increased from 25 to 28.
- Added a new intellect based leatherworking craft at a gap where there were no caster leatherworking crafts while leveling.
- Targeted position changes have been made to Mining Nodes to adjust for new custom content placement.
- Added many missing mining nodes and corrected the removal of old TrinityCore spawns, most notable at Fire Plume Ridge and Eastern Plaguelands.
- Dark Iron nodes now spawn.
- Fixed an issue where rank 2 through 5 of Beasts of the Wild (Skinning perk) did not work.
- Fixed numerous issues where Skinning granted non-skin type loot.
Blue Linen Hood is now common quality and its stats have been removed.
Scavenging (Tailoring) has been reworked. Felcloth is now a valid target. The chance for extra cloth is now based on the initial chance for cloth, and drop chance lower than 3% is ignored. Chance for extra cloth is capped at 25%.
- Developer's Note: Extra cloth can only proc if original cloth dropped but it can be from any cloth that drops, not just the highest level. This means a 6% chance for Linen is a 6% chance for bonus Linen if Linen dropped. A 37% chance for Linen is a 25% chance for bonus Linen if Linen dropped.
Runecloth Sorcerer's Embroidery and Runecloth Protector's Embroidery have had their Spell Power and Stamina increased from 15 to 16.
Runecloth Warrior's Embroidery has had its attack power increased from 25 to 28.
- A number of new Cooking recipes and related items have been added to the world.
- Lobster Stew now restores 3180 health over 30 seconds, equal to a Conjured Cinnamon Roll, and its level requirement has increased to 55.
First Aid
- All bandages have had their healing increased by 20% to compensate for increased health pools and damage/healing values caused by TBC classes.
- Implemented Triage for both factions with some minor custom additions.
- Chance of obtaining fish from fishing and the chance of receiving a skillup when successfully catching a fish have been reverted to 1.12 chances. The speed in which you catch fish has been kept in its WotLK state, and so has junk fishing loot.
- Fishing from a pool of fish no longer guarantees a catch regardless of your fishing skill, as that was a change made in patch 3.3.0.
- You can no longer fish in Lava or Magma by default, but a new method now exists.
- Baby Crocolisk can no longer be caught in the lava in Ironforge.
- Sunscale Salmon and Nightfin Snapper should now respect the sped up day/night cycle.
- Blackmaw Fishing Stick now has +30 Fishing, down from +40.
- Fixed text on a new fishing pole.
- Fixed position of a School of Fish in Durotar.
- Fixed an issue where many areas around the game lost their fishing loot table accidentally.
- Fixed an issue where fishing skill requirements for some areas were significantly higher than intended.
- Added the proper required fishing skill for areas near Zul'Gurub.
- Pulled On Kill Reputation from vmangos. This brings reputation levels back down to 1.12 numbers, greatly increasing the time it takes to grind Argent Dawn and Timbermaw Hold.
- Reputation bonuses such as Warmode or Diplomacy should apply correctly to relevant sources of reputation.
- Adjusted the reputation gains from quests related to The Sepulcher, Auberdine, Aerie Peak and Revantusk to ensure you have to complete a majority of quests to reach exalted.
- Springsocket now has a new NPC outside of town that offers a way to recover reputation if you happen to perform misdeeds to the faction, just like the other goblin towns. This also offers a way to use Wool Cloth to recover Goblin reputation, which was previously the only unused leveling cloth for Goblin reputation.
- Custom Goblin NPCs now grant Bloodsail reputation when killed, and lower reputation with their respective Goblin faction.
- Argent Dawn reputation rewards updated.
- Timbermaw Hold reputation rewards updated.
- Thorium Brotherhood reputation rewards updated.
- Ravenholdt rewards updated.
- All Valor's Expedition rewards are added to the quartermaster vendor table although they will not be visible until launch.
- Ravasaur Trainers faction now has a description, and Mor'vek is now assigned to the faction.
- New custom quests were added to Alterac Mountains, Ashenvale, Badlands, Darkshore, Desolace, Duskwood, Felwood, Feralas, Eastern Plaguelands, Loch Modan, Mulgore, Searing Gorge, Silverpine Forest, Stonetalon Mountains, Stranglethorn Vale, Tanaris, The Barrens, The Hinterlands, Thousand Needles, Tirisfal Glades, Un'Goro Crater, Western Plaguelands, Westfall, and Winterspring.
- Developer's Note: In total we have added more custom quests than the entirety of TBC.
- New custom dungeon quests added for Baradin Hold, Blackfathom Deeps, Glittermurk Mines, Razorfen Kraul, Scholomance, Stratholme, Sunken Temple, and Uldaman.
- New custom dungeon quests were added to Blackrock Depths. Every boss in BRD now has a quest (though not every quest is available to both factions), and each faction has the same total number of BRD quests.
- Added missing NPC emotes or RP for 40 Blizzard quests.
- Updated incorrect quest text for 19 Blizzard quests.
- Updated incorrect quest text for 13 custom quests.
- Updated the Quest Area sort category for many custom quests.
- Quest: The Escape - Maybell Maclure spawn time reduced.
- Quest: Kyle's Gone Missing - Fixed meat drop.
- Quest: Escaping Airheart - NPC stats buffed drastically, typos fixed.
- Quest: The Manor, Ravenholdt - Milton Beats is now only male. Milton Beats will now despawn after 30 seconds out of combat.
- Quest: Encroaching Worgs - Reduced required kills by 1 and added more spawns.
- Quest: Wanted: Scorchmaw - Now properly obtainable.
- Quest: Curious Groddoc - Horde can now interact with the Ogre Corpse.
- Quest: Fit for a King - Expanded the beasts the Hemovac can be used on and added a stun to its effect.
- Quest: Can't Make an Omelette Without... - Horde can now loot the Shadraspawn Eggs.
- Quest: Lard Lost His Lunch - Vilebranch Kidnappers now correctly aggro onto the player and despawn if appropriate.
- Quest: The Super Snapper FX - Gammerita will now engage combat when their picture is taken.
- Quest: The Stoutforges - Various text updates.
- Quest: Into the Temple of Atal'Hakkar - Added spawns of Atal'ai Tablet from sniff data.
- Quest: The Art of Golemancy - Various fixes and improvements.
- Quest: Magic Material - Increased drop rate of Magic Material and reduced cooldown of getting a Rune from summoners.
- Quest: Tired O' Them Orcs - Can now be completed.
- Quest: The Bowyer's Behest and Hero Worship - Wood piles can now be used when on both quests and will drop 1 to 2 wood.
- Quest: Of Forgotten Memories - Mercutio Filthgorger and his Crypt Robber allies will now always engage on create and despawn on reset or 60 seconds out of combat.
- Quest: Battle of Darrowshire no longer auto-completes and Captain Redpath will actually join the fight.
- Quest: In Dreams - Implemented with all RP.
- Quest: The Restless Souls - Implemented.
- Quest: Aponi's Request - Can now be turned in at the correct Aponi.
- Quest: The Shatterspear Festival - Nerfed Shatterspear Fetish.
- Quest: For The Horde! - Implemented Warchief's Blessing Event.
- Smokywood Pastures quests items can no longer be obtained beyond the quantity required for one turnin of the quest using certain tricks.
- Betine Bigglezing will offer a replacement Dawn's Gambit after quest completion so that you can fight Vectus repeatedly.
- Fixed various typos and grammatical errors.
- Fixed Nafien and Grazle's quests in Felwood.
- Fixed an issue where the quest item "Camp Mojache Supplies" required you to be in Alterac Valley, which should prevent it from disappearing.
- Fixed various issues with custom quests in Winterspring.
- Fixed an issue where Nelle's Diary in Manor Mistmantle could not be looted.
- Fixed an issue with quest item pools eventually no longer spawning entries.
- Fixed texts for The Bloodsail Buccaneers quest.
- Fixed missing furbolg camp area triggers for quest "How Big a Threat?".
- Major Cities now inherit the weather from their nearest relevant zone such as Elwynn for Stormwind or Mulgore for Thunder Bluff. Orgrimmar is an exception as Durotar has no weather.
- Added new loading screens for Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor with permission of Slendydaddy on Reddit (Thank you!).
- Added detection for players falling beneath the world. They will be teleported back to their last known "good" location.
- Re-instated the zone wide earthquakes in Burning Steppes
Bug Fixes
- Restored a missing campfire near Zorbin Fandazzle.
- Spawned a missing Forgotten Pools Bubbling Fissure.
- A specific spot in Dustwind Cave should no longer believe it is in Tanaris.
- The Winterfall Village cave should no longer believe it is in Alterac Valley.
- Fixed every reported instance of fatigue flag issues along coast lines. This also caused broken pathing along the same coasts, which has been resolved.
- Fixed a Blizzard issue where the docks in Southshore and Fenris Isle were missing their objects and had a strange new gravity defying chunk of wood in WotLK. They should now match their 1.12 appearance.
- Fixed an issue with certain custom ambient zone music not playing.
- Fixed Burndural's Area Table.
- Fixed an issue that caused many zones to have a sickly green sky.
- Fixed an issue where weather from your previous zone would "stick" to you if you entered a zone with no weather data.
- Fixed Alliance Ironforge graveyard selection.
- Alliance dying within the Undercity will now correctly be ported to Faol's Rest.
- Moved the Alliance graveyard you are ported to when dying in Thunder Bluff from Ratchet to Mulgore.
- Fixed various issues with the Harborage flight path.
- Fixed a critical game obliterating bug of the highest severity where the mailboxes in Thunder Bluff and Bloodhoof Village did not have tauren mailbox appearances and instead used disgusting Orc mailbox models.
Chests and Gobjects
- Activated chests will now despawn after 5 minutes.
- Battered Chests in low level areas can now contain a 2-Handed mace named Tough Hammer.
- The opening times of chests and other objects should now match the time it took in 1.12.
- Moved the position of the Uldum Pedestal and its RP.
New Areas
- There is now a path between Mulgore and Desolace.
- A new area called Gloombreak Mesa exists in Desolace.
- New caves and areas available in Desolace.
- There is a new mine called Northshore Mine in Tirisfal Glades.
- Ambermill has been expanded in Silverpine Forest.
- A new mine called Ironspring has been stood up near Kargath.
- The Bloodscalp Trolls have opened a catacomb near the Zuuldaia Ruins.
- Added moody lighting to our custom Duskwood manor model.
- Added the Alliance settlement of Wobble Hollow to Azshara. It now actually has a name.
- Northdale expanded with new mobs.
- Adjusted exploration experience for Blackmaw Village.
- Added recurring RP events to Thunder Bluff, Ironforge, and Undercity.
- Added a sign to the shaman trainer building in IF, and two taverns in Stormwind.
- The Lorespeakers have taken over the old Cartography cubby in Undercity.
- Shatterspear Village now has an actual area name, graveyard correctly linked and music.
Transports & Portals
- Teleporting from a Transport to the same map should now correctly remove you from the Transport server side. Resolves hearthing on boats / zeps sometimes killing you.
- Adds exclusions for where flight path visual overrides shouldn't occur e.g. the Deadmines cart.
- Set min and max level ranges for all meeting stones in the world.
- Mage portals are now usable when the creating Mage is on another map or offline, as long as you remain in their group.
- Players can no longer use a Mage Portal belonging to the opposite faction.
- Assisting a Warlock with a Ritual of Souls or a Ritual of Summoning now has a new visual effect to show that you are indeed helping and that you are not just one of the many AFK players around it.
- Improved the performance of ritual visuals like Ritual of Souls and they should now end when your participation is no longer needed.
Dungeons & Raids
- Numerous Instance ID generation improvements.
- Added new loading screen for Wailing Caverns, Deadmines, Glittermurk Mines, and Baradin Hold.
- It is no longer possible for the Master Looter to take a quest item if they're not on the quest. They can however still see and distribute them.
- Fixed not being able to resurrect at an instance entrance under certain conditions.
- Loot tables have been pushed for all end game content, please note on test realms this will automatically be replaced with a placeholder item to avoid spoilers.
- Prevented entering an instance if the player is not alive and does not have a corpse inside or in an inner instance.
Blackrock Depths
- Refactored all spawns to use spawn groups and better instance state linking.
- Marshal Windsor should no longer lock players in the Supply Room if they had already opened the door before he reached it.
- Small nerfs to Lord Roccor's Pound spell.
- Grebmar should only audibly whistle when he can actually summon new adds.
- Arena event rescripted in many ways: Added missing trash and increased trash volume; random boss now persists server restart; buffed various boss abilities; and applied Epoch stat buffing.
- Relic Coffer adds now properly engage and can't get stuck in combat.
- Heart of the Mountain will become interactible after Watchmen Doomgrip dies.
- Hurley Blackbreath and his cronies rescripted.
- Warbringer Constructs in the Hall of Crafting will now properly engage.
- Fixed an issue in the Room of Seven where it was possible to kill bosses so quickly, the next one would not engage.
- Chest of the Seven now spawns in a lootable state.
- The Lyceum now has trash spawns.
- Magmus should now reliably drop loot.
- Magmus Guardians will now correctly exit combat after reset / kill of Magmus.
- Imperial Seat waves event refactored to persist instant restarts and better transfer between waves.
- Mr. Smite's Cannon Fire now actually does damage and his targeting has been reworked so it is no longer possible to cheese pull him away from his platform and avoid it.
Glittermurk Mines
- Foreman Sprocket's Sprocket Rockets no longer ignore immunities.
- Kraken's combat reach reduced.
- Scepter of Celebras reverted to its 1.12 state.
- A permanent spawn of the Earth Song Falls portal into Maraudon has been removed.
- Updated Earth Song Falls portal arrival coordinates.
- Updated Mauradon graveyard locations.
- There will no longer be mystery breath bars within land areas of Mauradon.
Ragefire Chasm
- Jergosh the Invoker reworked.
Shadowfang Keep
- Updated Prison Cell Lever positions.
- Fixed Commander Springvale's Consecration.
- Odo the Blindwatcher reworked.
- Arugal should reset less often when he teleports to a non-pathfindable place.
- Lorekeeper Polkelt's Volatile Infection now ticks every 6 seconds rather than 6 milliseconds.
- The Ravenian now properly clears his fixate state.
- Stratholme has been completely rewritten from the ground up.
- Updated Signpost positions.
- Boss and Door states are now correctly and frequently saved to the database after key events.
- Players should no longer get stuck by an erroneous door when first entering Slaughter Square.
- Implemented all plagued critter trap doors.
- Creatures spawned by Trapped Supply Crates should now correctly attack on create.
- Individual mob behavior adjusted such as Broken Cadaver will now correctly engage instantly on spawn; Ravaged Cadaver now correctly emote when they spawn a Broken Cadaver; Mangled Cadaver no longer does a false emote stating it will spawn a Broken Cadaver.
- Ghostly and Spectral Citizens will now correctly respond to Dance, Rude, Wave, Bow, Kiss emotes.
- Skeletal Guardians no longer have an eroneous fast aggro frostbolt.
- Crimson Conjurer's Water Elemental will now attack on create and will no longer spawn duplicates.
- Baroness Anastari has received a new encounter script.
- Rares such as Stonespine, Skul, and Hearthsinger Forresten are no longer guaranteed spawns.
- Ramstein the Gorger can no longer spawn twice.
- Ramstein the Gorger has received nerfs to his base damage and chain ability.
- Ramstein the Gorger should use his knockout less frequently.
- Engaging a Black Guard Sentry should now pull all other Black Guards nearby.
- All bosses and Black Guard Sentries are now correctly influenced by our health and damage scaling, including their spells.
- Events now correctly function and persist server restarts, including: Black Guard Swordsmith and Crimson Hammersmith correctly spawning from Blacksmithing Plans; The Unforgiven; Undead Postmen, Post Parcels, and Postmaster Malown; Timmy the Cruel; Magistrate Barthilas fleeing when the Service Gate is opened; the Baron Run and all associated RP; and Aurius and the Medallion of Faith.
- Only one "The Baron's Ultimatum" will be applied to you during the course of a Baron Run. It no longer shows a duration, still removes on exit / death, but when you re-enter the instance, if the Baron Run is still in progress, it will be re-applied to you.
- Every time Baron Rivendare yells during a Baron Run he will re-apply Baron's Ultimatum to any player missing it.
- Fixed various bugs with the Stratholme Cannon Master fight and buffed the output damage of the usable cannons.
- Jarien and Sothos now have correct encounter scripts as well as intro / outro rp.
- Jarien and Sothos loot has been moved to their Heirlooms Box which now correctly spawns on encounter complete. The Left and Right pieces of Lord Valthalak's Amulet still drop on the NPCs themselves.
- Some Scarlet area RP events are known missing functionality.
Sunken Temple
- Sunken Temple has been reworked for improved stability.
- The six Troll priests now correctly have a channeling visual.
- Atal'alarion will now persist server restarts after he's summoned, if he is not killed.
- The Atal'ai Statue puzzle will now persist server restarts and the final pedastal can now be interacted with after Atal'alarion has been summoned.
- The Idol of Hakkar will now properly spawn after Atal'alarion is defeated, to turn in Secret Of The Circle.
- Added new RP visuals for when the Atal'ai Statue puzzle is completed.
- Resolved an issue where Jammal'an's force field had a permanent duplicate following updating to the latest TrinityCore version.
- Creatures behind Jammal'an's force field can not be interacted with until after it has fallen.
- Engaging Jammal'an will now correctly pull his entire room if not cleared.
- Nightmare Scalebane will now only cast one variant of Improved Blocking.
- Weaver and Dreamscythe now consistently spawn after Jammal'an dies and will persist server restarts. They also have linked aggro.
- Hazzas and Morphaz now consistently spawn after Weaver and Dreamscythe have been cleared. They also have linked aggro.
- Shade of Eranikus can no longer be engaged before all summoned dragons are killed and engaging Shade will now pull all remaining Dragonkin in the instance.
- Shade of Eranikus tail sweep radius and knockback drastically reduced.
- Shade of Eranikus adds will now properly despawn on death or reset.
- Hukku Succubus will now aggro on spawn.
- Added doors to the Shade of Hakkar room that close when he is engaged and reopen on reset or death.
- Corrected the name of Pedestal of Blood.
- Shade of Hakkar can no longer be spawned repeatedly and will persist server restarts based on the phase of the encounter you're in e.g. pre-ritual and after completing ritual.
Tol Barad
- Fixed falling through the world outside of Baradin Hold.
- Reworked Tol Barad exterior loot tables to be of a much higher quality.
- The area of Tol Barad immediately outside Baradin Hold is now safer.
- Morrumus Chomp damage buffed.
- Morrumus Void Slobber zones now actually do damage.
- Dak'mal's Soul Grip and Black Harvest now actually function and have improved timings.
- Milhouse Manastorm mass polymorph can no longer miss or be reflected / redirected.
- Milhouse Manastorm's loot bag can now only be looted once and despawns on loot complete.
- The Blackstone Quartermaster might sell you new items, for a favor.
- Captain Blackstone should no longer attempt to charge totems and evade.
- Captain Blackstone's Whirlwind nerfed.
- Captain Blackstone's Saber Defense uptime reduced.
Upper Blackrock Spire
- Improvements to Blackrock Stadium encounter scripting.
- Improvements to Rend calling Gyth.
- Lord Valthalak now has more appropriate stats.
- Improvements to the General Drakkisath fight mechanics.
- Ground effects now properly disappear when Drakkisath resets or dies.
- Ghazrilla should remain spawned for much longer.
- Ghazrilla combat script reworked to no longer spam his knockback and adjusted timings for other abilities.
Onyxia's Lair
- Onyxian Flameweaver should use their AoE less frequently.
- Added an extra trash type for variety and correctly parented trash to bosses for respawns.
- Atressian's Chamber has received an updated layout to support intended mechanics and new minimaps.
- Portal spawns now correctly tied to Atressian boss state.
- New micro bosses will spawn following the death of Atressian.
- Atressian is now visually teleporting eggs away from the lair. Onyxia's door state is now tied to these micro bosses.
- Adjusted the armor of Ortorg the Ardent and Atressian.
- Ortorg's Guttural Shout now has a more predictable 30 second internal cooldown and a 0.5 second cast time to help casters predict it.
- Improvements to Ortorg encounter resetting and a distance leash to keep him in his room as well as a boundary of fire to keep players in his room.
- Ortorg's damage and knockback of Molten Upheaval's AoE reduced and Molten Upheaval cannot be blocked by line of sight.
- Ortorg's Lava Slash now ignores avoidance.
- Fixed an issue where Ortorg's Lava Slash could fully bug out his combat script if the target died before it hit.
- Ortorg's Brood Fury now increases all damage schools.
- Creatures outside of Onyxia's chamber will respawn on aggro and despawn on aggro as they did in Classic.
- Onyxia will now yell various things as players make their way through encounters.
World Bosses
- Volchan now has increased fire resistance, has a fire melee damage school, and his Ancient Flames will now consistently spawn at the same height off the ground.
- Adjustments to "Gray Level" calculations to match 1.12. Impacts various things such as Quests and NPC Level display.
- Fixed equipment sets not saving correctly, this means you can now store more than 1.
- The Auction House no longer displays Sigils, Gem Bags, Death Knight Glyphs, Jewelcrafting Trade Goods, Jewelcrafting Recipes, or Inscription Recipes as categories.
- Removed the "Auction Pending" mail you receive when an item you listed on the Auction House sells. This was removed in Cataclysm because it was redundant. You can still view pending auctions in the Auction House interface and you receive a system message any time one of your Auctions sell.
- Creature spells that target a friendly unit should no longer target critters or creatures not in combat.
- Detect Invisibility spells should now work.
- Many various spells should no longer sometimes require Elemental Leatherworking to train.
- Fixed a general issue that could lead to buff spells stacking.
- Fixed an issue that caused weird scaling for every spell in the game.
- Fixed an issue where Mana gain abilities would not work if you did not currently use mana (impacted Feral Druid primarily).
- Updated the default corpse decay time to match vMangos defaults; 5 minutes for normal mobs up to 20 minutes for Rare Elite mobs and dungeon mobs.
- Added a slope based cost factor to pathfinding that means NPCs should prefer a "smoother" path in many circumstances.
- Upgraded navigation mesh generation so that creatures are more likely to go around objects such as fences and have an increased maximum walkable angle.
- Many additional pathfinding improvements.
- Fixed an issue with mount scaling buffs not always removing themselves when entering indoors.
- Updated numerous GM and Admin commands and features.
- Silithid Pox now has its original 30 minute duration.
- Fixed all instances of Contagion of Rot being stackable from the same or many sources.
- Spells with knockbacks can now knockback stunned targets.
- Implemented a number of new spell attributes.
- Implemented a Spell Queue system matching what was added in TBC.
- A queued melee ability failing such as Heroic Strike should no longer skip the following auto attack.
- Offhand attacks that occur while on-next-hit abilities such as Heroic Strike are queued do not suffer the dual wield to-hit penalty.
- Added more mechanic immunities e.g. Polymorph for all custom bosses.
- Fixed behavior of TARGET_UNIT_NEARBY_ENTRY spells.
- Fixed a bug where stealth effects could never be seen through if the stealther was behind the target, even if that target was extremely higher level than you.
- Fixed an issue where persistant area auras would not apply their effect instantly. Affects many many spells but primary use case being Hunter Flare and Frost Trap but this fixes many many cases.
- Loot eligibility will now always be tied to being present during an encounter.
Creature Behavior
- Creatures should no longer evade the moment a player exits or enters water, no matter how deep.
- Improved the logic for when creatures decide to give up on chasing and reset.
- Creatures will wait to finish their current cast before fleeing.
- Fixed an issue where creatures would try to cast while fleeing or feared.
- Creatures will flee to near their assist target, not exactly on them.
- Creatures will no longer flee to dead allies.
- Chase movement (typically used in combat) now correctly ticks at the 400ms heartbeat timer.
- Chase movement now predicts where there target is going to be, not where they are.
- Prevented creatures from being able to cast spells while moving.
- Fixed an issue where it was possible for two targets to chase each other in endless circles.
- Improvements to creature AI for self-casted spells that require melee range such as Frost Nova.
- Rewrote Player, Creature, and Pet health and mana regeneration to be a hybrid between TBC and 1.12 while also fixing logic bugs and inaccuracies. This also involved rewriting Energy generation and Rage decay.
- Disabled client side features like power prediction to give a proper TBC / 1.12 style 2-second tick based health and mana regen for players.
- Fixed Energy power regen increases.
- Ported Miss/Dodge/Parry/Block/Crit calculations from cMangos to better replicate TBC behavior.
- Dodge and Parry calculations have been reworked. This means that a level 63 boss has a starting parry chance of 9% and a dodge chance of 6%.
- Fixed our Expertise changes only applying to white hits and not melee spells like heroic strike.
- Reworked Attack Power calculations to properly use positive and negative AP mods.
- For Resistance calculations, creatures and players under level 20 are now considered level 20. This fixes an issue where resistances had extreme effects at low levels.
- The Resistance cap is now calculated based on the caster's level instead of the victim's level. This is a fix not a change, however most private servers calculate the Resistance cap based on the victim's level. This fix means that the Resistance cap for players against bosses is now 315 instead of 300, making it now Blizzlike. This also fixes an issue where attacking a creature or player lower level than you that had resistance would cause your spells to resist significantly more than expected.
- Weapon skill formulae have been reworked and simplified.
- Improved spell explicit target fallback selection for unit targets when the spell target comes from the client.
- Fixed daze chance calculation.
- Fixed spell damage scaling of NPC abilities that use SPELL_ATTR0_LEVEL_DAMAGE_CALCULATION.
- Fixed the stealth detection formula to bring it much closer to 1.12.
- Fixed an issue where new custom spells that increased the Critical Strike chance of specific spells did not work. This mostly affected Dungeon Set 2 set bonus effects.
Threat & Aggro
- Modified aggro detection range for entities controlled by the player.
- The owner of a pet / totem / charmed unit will receive threat on aggro. This solves most of the cases where creatures would reset after killing your pet / totem / charmed unit.
- Fixed an issue where tank stances (Bear Form, Righteous Fury, Defensive Stance) had an extra threat modifier from WotLK.
Training Dummies
- Adjusted the armor value and hit points of Heroic Training Dummies to match the updated armor values of bosses.
- Training dummies now drop combat with a target after 15 seconds of not being attacked, up from 5 seconds.
- Training dummies now properly regen health after dropping combat.
- Logging in when you previously had a pet summoned will now resummon the pet.
- Pets will now automatically unsummon and resummon when you take a flight path.
- Pets will now persist through teleports more reliably.
- Pet and NPC follow movement has been overhauled with many improvements to their behavior.
- Pets should now be able to follow you on / off Zeppelins / Ships / Boats / the Deeprun Tram / Elevators. They will also now pathfind on them.
- Pets should inherit player speed when the player is mounted even if the player is in combat.
- Creatures that are following other Creatures should now correctly inherit the base speed and walking state of their owner. This fixes the issue of them sprinting behind in short steps.
- Adjusted the catch up speed calculation for when a following pet is far away so they don't reach insane speeds under normal circumstances.
- Pets should not be attacked by NPCs while you are mounted and NPCs will prioritize aggroing the player.
- Guardians such as Water Elemental will now go inactive when their owner mounts just like other pets do.
- Fixed Guardian pet base mana.
- Fixed an issue where Guardian pets would bug out if used in combat.
- Pets will no longer be classed as permanently crowd controlled for some checks.
- Attack Command will no longer turn off if a pet fails a manually casted spell.
- Allow pets to attack targets with breakable CC if commanded.
- Improvements to spells with the attribute "Dismiss Pet".
- Fixed an issue where non-caster pets who had long distance abilities such as Wind Serpent Lightning Breath would not chase into melee range.
- PvP Defense should now function.
- PvP Emblem trinkets now have the correct stats on them, and no longer proc from random things such as mounting up or using a Hearthstone.
- PvP Arcane wands now correctly deal Arcane damage.
- Pets should less aggressively stick to a hostile player's backs during PvP engagements.
- Disabled honor gain until Call to War patch.
- Added experience gains for PvP kills, Battleground wins, and Battleground objective completion.
- Honorable Kill displays are now based off of the highest rank the target has obtained, rather than their current title, allowing players to wear other titles while still letting the enemy see what kind of player they just killed. (PvP Rank being the Honorable Kill achievements on Epoch.)
- Fixed an issue where Damage Over Time effects were unaffected by PvP Defense.
- Fixed an issue where PvP trinkets never became soulbound.
- Battlefield Runecloth, Silk, and Mageweave Bandages now apply Recently Bandaged as intended, and won't get wasted if you use them while under the effects of Recently Bandaged.
- Fixed an issue where the hidden PvP rank granted from PvP honorable kill achievements did not correctly save upon logging off, preventing you from wearing PvP rank tabards.
- Fixed an issue where cloaks obtained from PvP vendors could not be enchanted.
- Updated the pricing of PvP gear to the launch values for the upcoming beta test and eventual launch, including Season 1.
- Improvements to logic behind War Mode to apply the PvP status more consistently.
- War Mode no longer causes you to remain PvP flagged in dungeons and raids.
- Added various checks that further prevent PvP flagged players existing in instances.
- Warmode Recruiter now actually requires your gold when you're bailing on Warmode.
World PvP
- Updated "World Brawler" to check for dueling state better and handle charmed cases.
- Added a 15-second cast time when you enable /pvp.
- You can no longer attack flagged players if you're not flagged.
- PvP Flag time minimum increased to 15 minutes.
- Self actions such as healing or buffing should no longer extend the PvP timer.
- Implemented a Blizzlike Guard Post system with the following basic logic: Guards are summoned when a hostile player is near a Civilian. A guard is spawned from a nearby guard post or if one is nearby, summons it to attack. There is a 10-second cooldown on summoning more guards. If an NPC is attacked, 1-3 guards are summoned for each player engaged in combat. Attacking a player in PvP near a guard post will also spawn guards. Guards are summoned for 5 minutes.
- Guard posts implemented in 48 locations including starter villages, capital cities, and major neutral towns like Gadgetzan and Light's Hope Chapel.
- Springsocket Guards are now correctly PvP flagged.
- Highlord Bolvar Fordragon is now correctly PvP flagged and marked as a Leader. He now also has the title "Regent Lord of Stormwind" for consistency with other faction leaders.
- Faction Leaders should now have more appropriate damage and health to take on a full raid group.
- Added a "close game" mechanic for Warsong Gulch and Gillijim's Isle that awards bonus marks to the loser.
- Set the Battleground queue premade limit to 3 for all Battlegrounds except Alterac Valley, which is 5.
- Improved reset spell cooldowns when entering arenas.
- Added new arena map based on Silithus, donated by Ashnagarr (Thank you!).
Technical Bug Fixes
- RCE Exploit patched in Project-Epoch.exe.
- Fixed a number of major performance issues that were blockers for a public test session.
- Fixed an issue where it was possible to create two identical characters if packets were received fast enough and there is more than 1 thread in use.
- Fixed some cases where server was not sending power updates to client on time.
- Fixed possible minion crash.
- Added unit field caching. This is a major optimisation improvement.
- Copyright date should no longer require a human to update.
- Numerous improvements to data, processes, refactoring, and the core.
Class Changes
Ability and Talent Changes
- Faerie Fire (Rank 4) has had its armor reduction reduced by 20.
- Developer's Note: All armor reduction effects have been reduced to bring the overall damage dealt by physical attacks against raid bosses closer to the amount of percentage damage increase these armor reduction effects gave at level 70 against TBC raid bosses.
- Rake and Lacerate are now classified as Bleed effects.
- The duration of Tiger's Fury has been increased to 18 seconds, and Tiger's Fury has an additional effect: Bleed damage dealt during Tiger's Fury causes the damage granted from the effect to increase, stacking up to 10 times.
- Developer's Note: These changes are aimed at making Tiger's Fury a new way for non-powershifting builds to compete with powershifting builds. Tiger's Fury is lost when you exit cat form, meaning you have to stay in cat form and use bleeds to gain these stacks.
- Barkskin is no longer on the global cooldown.
- Tranquility is now a raid-wide spell that heals up to 5 players in your raid every tick, prioritizing the most injured players.
- Druids can undertake a new questline in Moonglade to receive a new cosmetic glyph, Flight Form. This glyph allows you to take on the form of a bird when you take a flight path from a flight master, instead of mounting a flying mount.
- Developer's Note: Sorry, this quest is not available during Beta 3.5 for spoiler reasons.
- All three Druid Dungeon Set 2 sets have received set bonus adjustments and changes.
- Idol of Ferocity now reduces the energy cost of Rake and Tiger's Fury by 5.
- Celestial Focus (Talent) now also reduces spell pushback on Starfire.
- Moonglow (Talent) now also reduces the cost of Hurricane.
- Balance of Power (Talent) now also increases melee hit chance.
- Moonkin Form (Talent) now has a new passive effect tied to it called Wildkin Frenzy. This effect can trigger when you take direct damage, and it will increase your spell damage done by 5%, your attack power by 10%, and make you immune to spell pushback for 8 seconds.
- Force of Nature's (Talent) summons now give you a pet bar so you can better control them, and they now have 90% Avoidance like other pets.
- Lunar Guidance now also grants 3%/6%/9% total intellect, additionally the existing effect has been increased to 10%/20%/30%, up from 8%/16%/25%.
- The base damage dealt by Wrath has been increased by 5%.
- The base damage dealt by Starfire has been increased by 5%.
- Sharpened Claws (Talent) now also works in Moonkin Form.
- Leader of the Pack (Talent) now provides the raid with 2% melee and ranged crit, and 3% to the druid; swapping from 3% to the raid, 2% to the druid.
- Omen of Clarity (Talent) is now passive.
- Overgrowth (Talent) is now available in the Restoration talent tree next to Omen of Clarity. This spell reduces the Global Cooldown incurred from Rejuvenation by 1 second for your next 5 Rejuvenation casts. It has a 1 minute cooldown which begins after your 5 charges are spent. This ability is also on a reduced global cooldown, and has no mana cost.
- Developer's Note: Our last beta showed that Restoration Druids struggle to heal group wide damage in dungeons. The intention behind this ability is to give Restoration Druids a new tool for group healing without giving them extreme AoE healing tools like they have in future expansions.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where Nature's Grasp (Talent) and its ranks were not correctly unlearened when changing talents or swapping dual spec.
- Fixed an issue where Dire Bear Form did not provide the correct amount of armor contribution from items and melee attack power.
- Fixed an issue where Feral Instict was not working as expected.
- Fixed an issue where Track Humanoids would automatically eat a GCD after entering cat form.
- Fixed an issue where Druids essentially had an extra hidden Feline's Grace.
- Fixed an issue where Tranquility had WotLK scaling.
- Fixed an issue where weapons above item level 64 with DPS below 54.8 would not have Feral Attack Power.
Ability and Talent Changes
- Hunter pet sizes should now match Classic.
- Hunter pet movement speed has been normalised.
- Reduced the base attack power of hunter pets by 10%.
- Felstone Worgs, Shimmerscale can now correctly be tamed. Kuzajra Crawlers can no longer be tamed.
- Tamed boars now have the appropriate double damage proc.
- Tamed spiders, hyenas, turtles, crocolisks, and tallstriders now have a new focus spender called Snap. This ability is identical to Claw.
- Moths now have the Serenity Dust ability that they had in WotLK, but with flat attack power instead of a percentage effect.
- Tamed Moths can no longer fly.
- Crabs now have the Pin ability that they had in WotLK, but its duration has been reduced from 4 seconds to 2 seconds. The damage dealt over the course of its duration is unchanged.
- Various Blizzard wasps are now tameable.
- Wasps now have the Sting ability that they had in WotLK, but its effect is now equal to the effect of Faerie Fire and does not stack with that spell.
- It's now illegal to drink and shoot (You can no longer Auto Shot while eating or drinking).
- Disengage now correctly triggers a 25 second cooldown on all ranks of the spell, and it no longer works while rooted or in the air. The tooltip has been updated for extra clarity.
- Feign Death now rolls against spell hit individually for entries in the caster's threat table and within aggro radius.
- The ranged attack power gained from each stack of Hunter's Mark has been reduced. At max rank this has gone from 11 per stack down to 6 per stack.
- Multishot should now have a larger arc like it did in TBC and it should be able to chain more reliably.
- The mana cost of Steady Shot has been increased from 80 to 95.
- Steady Shot now factors in the base attack speed of your weapon, before modifiers.
- Steady Shot has had the base damage of its added damage after weapon damage reduced by 50%.
- Developer's Note: To clarify, Steady Shot does base weapon damage + a flat number + Ranged Attack Power scaling. Only the flat number was reduced.
- Volley has received improvements to its channeling animation.
- Traps will now correctly have an arming time out of combat not just in combat
- Explosive Trap no longer benefits from ranged attack power for its Damage over Time effect.
- Traps no longer start combat when they are procced by other players (creatures will still start combat).
- Snake Trap summoned snakes will now engage combat immediately in situations where you are not already in combat with the trap victim.
- Hunter Dungeon Set 2 stats and bonuses have been adjusted.
- Trueshot Aura (Rank 3) has been removed.
- Expose Weakness (Talent) now correctly behaves as it did during TBC.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where spells that target your pet would fail to check if the pet was eligible, such as being within line of sight, which caused the spell to be wasted.
- Fixed an issue where physical pet spells, such as Claw, would benefit from the hunter's Spell and Ranged Attack Power.
- Fixed an issue where Animal Handler (Talent) was still giving pets increased Attack Power as it did during WotLK.
- Fixed an issue where Improved Hunter's Mark (Talent) incorrectly affected the stacking bonus attack power instead of only the base attack power.
- Fixed an issue where Aspect of the Beast incorrectly stacked with other Aspects.
- Fixed an issue where Aspect of the Viper wasn't restoring mana.
- Fixed an issue where Auto Shot would continue to fire during Volley.
- Fixed an issue where the Flare effect was not applied immediately upon casting.
- Fixed a crash issue that could be caused by Hunter's Mark.
- Fixed an issue where dispelling Hunter's Mark would not remove the entire effect.
- Fixed an issue where Kill Command would not work in most situations.
- Fixed an issue where Hunter Traps would fail if the Hunter is crowd controlled.
- Fixed an issue with Game Object stealth calculations using twice the level of a trap. After the fix, rogues should be able to see hunter traps, whereas for other classes traps are still invisible (unless they overlevel the hunter).
- Fixed an issue where Steady Shot was dealing less damage than it should have due to not factoring in weapon damage.
Ability and Talent Changes
- Mages can undertake new quests to obtain Teleport: Stonard (Horde) / Teleport: Theramore (Alliance) and Portal: Stonard (Horde) / Portal: Theramore (Alliance).
- Arcane Barrage is now once again learned at mage trainers starting at level 22 and has 4 ranks in total.
- Arcane Missiles has had its mana cost reduced by roughly 5.8% at (Rank 7); lower ranks were affected by different amounts.
- Arcane Missiles will now display floating text when it fails to cast, such as when the target is immune to Arcane.
- Mages have received a new flavorful ability, Conjure Weapon. This allows you to conjure an equippable weapon that can be traded to other players. The weapon options are a Dagger, One-Handed Sword, Two-Handed Sword, One-Handed Mace, Two-Handed Mace, One-Handed Axe, and Two-Handed Axe, in that order as ranks at varying levels. The conjured weapon will scale to the level of the Mage that conjured the item, not the wearer of the item. This weapon also has Intellect as a stat, making it an excellent weapon skill training weapon. Being a conjured item, these items disappear after being logged off for 15 minutes. Conjure Weapon Rank 1 (Dagger) is available at level 16.
- Evocation has been reverted to its 1.12 state. This means that the Spirit stat will now impact how much this spell restores. With the general amount of Spirit a Mage has at level 60, this works out to be a small buff to this spell, but adds a lot of depth to the ability. However, this means Evocation is no longer affected by spell casting speed increasing effects.
- The Dungeon Set 2 6-piece and 8-piece set bonuses have been swapped, and the new 8-piece effect has been overhauled.
- Arcane Impact (Talent) now increases the critical strike chance of all Arcane spells by 2%.
- Focus Magic (Talent) has been removed.
- Developer's Note: Focus Magic didn't fit in as a talent because the early Arcane talent tree is incredibly powerful for all 3 Mage specializations and this merely made a great option even better.
- Arcane Blast is no longer learned from a trainer and is now found in the Arcane talent tree, in the place of Focus Magic (in the place that Arcane Fortitude was originally) on Row 3. This spell now has 7 ranks.
- Developer's Note: Arcane Blast's move to the talent tree allows this spell to more naturally move to a much lower level, allowing players to choose to level as Arcane if they wish. This also puts the talent in an easy to reach location if Fire or Frost comes across any reason why they want to be able to do the Arcane rotation.
- Consuming your Arcane Blast stacks with Arcane Barrage now also increases the damage of your Arcane Missiles by 15% per stack consumed for 8 seconds. As a reminder, Arcane Blast stacks up to 3 times.
- Improved Mana Shield (Talent) has been renamed to Improved Shielding, and now also increases the resistances gained from Mage Armor by 50%/100%.
- Reverted the changes made to Empowered Arcane Missiles (Talent) in Beta 3. Empowered Arcane Missiles now behaves the same as it did during TBC.
- Molten Armor can now correctly trigger Impact (Talent).
- Improved Fire Blast (Talent) has been renamed to Improved Blasting, and now also increases the critical strike chance of Arcane Blast by 1%/3%/5%.
- Master of Elements (Talent) can now also proc from Arcane spells and has been renamed to Master of Schools.
- Pyroclastic Burst (Talent) has been added on Row 5, beside Blast Wave and requiring Blast Wave. This talent causes your Fire critical strikes to grant you a stack of Pyroclastic Burst, increasing the damage of your next Pyroblast by 10%. This stacks up to 6 times, and displays a visual effect and sound effect when it reaches 6 stacks.
- Elemental Precision (Talent) has had its hit effect doubled.
- Frostbite (Talent) now has an additional effect. When an enemy is immune to the Frostbite effect, it will receive a new debuff causing it to be considered frozen for 5 seconds.
- Developer's Note: The previously announced Slush Sluice proved to be too powerful in PvP and too weak in PvE, leaving it in a very awkward position for a specialization that is already strong in PvP and weak in PvE. This reworked Frostbite is intended to go the opposite direction and help PvE damage without buffing the PvP damage.
- Piercing Ice (Talent) now triples its effectiveness when you deal Frost damage to a creature that is immune to Fire damage.
- Winter's Chill (Talent) is now correctly in its TBC state.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where some mage spells (such as Remove Curse) could not be affected by talents.
- Fixed an issue where Arcane Barrage and Rune of Power didn't display their cooldowns correctly.
- Fixed an issue where Arcane Missiles had accidentally been hidden from the spellbook.
- Fixed an issue where Arcane Missiles could miss its initial cast.
- Fixed an issue where interrupting your cast of Arcane Missiles would remove your Arcane Blast stacks.
- Fixed an issue where Arcane Power and Presence of Mind could not be used at the same time.
- Fixed an issue where Conjured Mana Bread displayed the wrong amount of mana you gain from consuming it.
- Fixed an issue where Pyroblast (Rank 8) was not removed when changing specializations or resetting talents.
- Fixed Spell Effect Sanctuary to evade incoming spells and attacks. This affects Invisibility, allowing the mage to evade spells whose projectiles are already flying towards them when the abilities are cast. Does not work against channeled spells.
Ability and Talent Changes
- The backgrounds of the Paladin talent trees have been restored to their pre-TBC appearance.
- Blessing of Light can now be overriden by the same effect or by a more powerful rank.
- Blessing of Wisdom and Mana Spring Totem can now stack as they could in TBC.
- Holy Light's mana cost has been reduced by roughly 27% depending on the rank of the spell.
- Judgement now uses the most recently applied Seal as priority.
- When Judgement of Light attempts to heal a player that is already at full health, that player instead receives a buff that increases their healing taken from Judgement of Light by 5% until it successfully heals them. This stacks up to 20 times.
- Seal Twisting has been rewritten from the ground up. "Melee attack" seal procs will now correctly trigger from auto-attacks and melee spells including triggered ones.
- The DPS Paladin Dungeon Set 2 6-piece set bonus now makes your Consecration spell cost 80% less mana for 8 seconds after you use Hammer of Wrath.
- The DPS Paladin Dungeon Set 2 8-piece set bonus now gives your Crusader Strike a 33% chance to make your next Hammer of Wrath within 10 seconds usable regardless of the target's health.
- The Tank Paladin Dungeon Set 2 8-piece effect now only triggers from the first instance of damage dealt by Avenger's Shield, but the absorption shield has been increased from 40% to 125% of the damage dealt.
- The stats on all 3 Paladin Dungeon Set 2 sets have changed.
- Hammer of Wrath no longer resets your swing timer.
- Illumination (Talent) now restores mana equal to 75% of the base cost of the spell, up from 60%.
- Overwhelming Light (Talent) has been added to row 4 next to Improved Blessing of Wisdom. When your Holy Light, Flash of Light, or Holy Shock spells heal a target to full health, 3 nearby injured allies will be healed by an amount equal to 10%/20% of the healing effect.
- Developer's Note: We believe Paladins should excel at single target healing and recognize that they struggle with healing multiple targets. This talent, along with some of these other changes, should help paladins remained focused where they excel but still be competent in group situations where you have to handle AoE damage. Overwhelming Light is based off of the total healing done, including overhealing.
- Sanctified Light (Talent) now also increases the critical effect chance of Seal of Light and Judgement of Light. Additionally, it now reduces the threat generated by Judgement of Light by 33%/66%/100%.
- Purifying Power (Talent) now also causes Exorcism and Holy Wrath to give your next healing spell a 30%/60% increased chance to critically heal when they hit a target.
- Holy Shock (Talent) now has a 40 yard range when used on allies, and a 20 yard range when used on enemies.
- The cooldown of Holy Shock has been reduced by 5 seconds.
- Blessed Life (Talent) now also gives you 4/8/12 to all resistances.
- Divine Illumination no longer reduces the mana cost of your spells, instead it increases the casting speed of all Paladin spells by 50% for 15 seconds. This now also triggers Forebearance.
- Developer's Note: The goal with these changes is to give Holy more passive mana sustain, along with giving them a more flexible emergency button to go along with the rest of their toolkit.
- Anticipation (Talent) and Improved Concentration Aura (Talent) have swapped places.
- Developer's Note: With the changes above creating more worthwhile Holy talents, the popular Improved Concentration Aura felt painfully out of reach. This brings it just a little closer, so you have some free talent points to spend elsewhere.
- Stoicism (Talent) now correctly reduces the dispel resistance of spells as intended.
- Ardent Defender (Talent) now also reduces the damage taken from an attack that brings you under 35% health, the tooltip has been updated to reflect this change.
- Avenger's Shield no longer has a cast time.
- The mana cost of Avenger's Shield has been reduced by 35%.
- Crusader Strike is no longer accidentally classified as a Holy+ Physical ability, sometimes known as "Holystrike". This fixes an issue where Crusader Strike would be reduced by armor, which displayed in the combat log as a partial resist.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed issues that allowed some Paladin blessings to stack with other Paladin blessings from the same caster.
- Fixed an issue where Greater Blessing of Kings and Greater Blessing of Sanctuary didn't require their non-greater forms to be talented before you're able to train them, and they are now lost upon switching specializations.
- Fixed an issue where Paladins could train Greater Blessing of Might (Rank 2) and Greater Blessing of Wisdom (Rank 2) which should not be obtainable from the trainer at launch.
- Fixed an issue where Blessing of Light did not have a casting animation.
- Fixed an issue where Blessing of Salvation could not stack with Paladin Hand abilities.
- Fixed a potential crash caused by Seal of Dedication in very specific situations.
- Fixed an issue where Seal of Dedication, Judgement of Dedication, and Cost of Dedication (the splash damage received from Judgement of Dedication) were Holy + Physical damage school instead of Holy.
- Fixed an issue where Seal of Dedication was still affected by the Dungeon Set 2 6-piece set bonus despite that effect being revamped.
- Fixed a critical issue with Seal of Righteousness (Rank 1).
- Fixed an issue where Seal of Righteousness was not scaling correctly.
- Fixed various issues with Seal of Vengeance and its judgement effect.
- Fixed an issue where Seal of Wisdom would not trigger from spell casts.
- Fixed an issue where Judgement could not be casted when swapping between certain seals.
- Fixed an issue where Judgement of Wisdom would not trigger from spell casts.
- Fixed an issue where Judgement of Wisdom was being rolled twice for its proc chance, causing it to proc significantly less often.
- Fixed an issue where the Holy Paladin PvP pre-season set, Truthful Armor, incorrectly gave Shaman effects.
- Fixed an issue where Aura Mastery (Talent) did not affect Concentration Aura.
- Fixed an issue where Pursuit of Justice (Talent) had an incorrect description.
- Fixed an issue where in some cases Sanctified Judgement (Talent) was returning too much mana and in others none at all.
- Fixed an issue where the Undead Paladin horses did not display the full visual effect that the Alliance Paladin horses do.
Ability and Talent Changes
- Penance has been removed.
- Developer's Note: While we have gone through many ideas for this spell, it just doesn't fit in with the TBC gameplay of any specialization of priest and only caused bloat and design balancing issues.
- Priests have received a new spell, Bless Water.
This spell allows you to transform Refreshing Spring Water into a Holy Water consumable item, with multiple ranks ranging from Weak Holy Water at level 12 to Blessed Holy Water at level 52. Holy Water is a Conjured Item and can be traded to other players. It disappears after 15 minutes offline. Holy Water is a thrown item that deals damage to Undead at the targeted location.
- Developer's Note: This is a mostly flavor spell that gives Priests a unique tool against Undead, especially if you take some time to pass them out to your party. It is tuned to be slightly weaker than Stratholme Holy Water at max level. This item shares a cooldown with many similar items, such as dynamite or crystal charges.
- Prayer of Mending no longer bounces to pets.
- Holy Fire's base damage has been increased by 10%, and its damage over time has been increased by 40%. Additionally, Holy Fire's damage over time has had its spell coefficient increased from 3.3% to 14.3%, and its duration has been increased from 10 seconds to 16 seconds.
- Mind Soothe now has a Vanilla-appropriate level requirement for its max rank and the max target level validation has been implemented.
- The Tauren priest racial An'she's Protection has been reworked and now increases your resistance to all schools of magic by an amount equal to your current level for 14 seconds.
- The DPS Priest Dungeon Set 2 8-piece set bonus has been reworked and now increases the critical strike chance of Mind Blast by 12% when you deal or take damage from Shadow Word: Death, stacking up to 2 times.
- Searing Light (Talent) has moved up from row 4 to row 3 in the Holy talent tree.
- Holy Reach (Talent) has moved to where Searing Light was. This has no effect on gameplay but the talent tree looks different.
- Inspiration (Talent) and Improved Healing (Talent) have swapped places in the Holy talent tree.
- Developer's Note: These two changes are intended to allow "Smite Priest" style builds to more easily reach the talents they require without wasting points in talents they do not want.
- Lightwell's (Talent) Renew has been restored to its TBC state, before the following changes:
- Lightwell has increased to 15 charges, but a player can only use each Lightwell once.
- Lightwell's healing over time effect now ticks immediately when it is applied, and is only cancelled from direct damage instead of any damage.
- Focused Power (Talent) now affects all damaging holy spells, instead of only Smite.
- Divine Spirit is now baseline and no longer a Discipline tree talent. Rank 1 is learned from trainers at level 30, and the cost of training each rank has been adjusted.
- The effect of Divine Spirit has been reduced by 25%.
- Improved Divine Spirit (Talent) now also increases the effectiveness of Divine Spirit by 18%/36%.
- Developer's Note: This talent brings Divine Spirit back to the values it originally had.
- Pain Suppression (Talent) has moved to the talent row that used to house Divine Spirit. This talent now requires 2/2 Martyrdom.
- Improved Divine Spirit (Talent) and Improved Mana Burn (Talent) were slightly moved to accomodate the change above, this has no effect on gameplay but does make the talent tree look different.
- The Focused Casting effect from Martyrdom (Talent) has been restored to its TBC state.
- Improved Inner Fire (Talent) now also increases the amount of charges Inner Fire has by 10/20/30.
- Reverted Reflective Shield (Talent) to TBC scripted behaviour.
- Discipline Priests have received a new capstone talent, Power Word: Barrier. This spell creates a large absorption shield around you, protecting all party and raid members from harm up for 10 seconds or until the shield breaks with damage. This is a channeled ability that lasts 10 seconds and cannot be dispelled, but can be interrupted. 3 minute cooldown.
- Developer's Note: In raid groups this shield will increase in strength, gaining absorption amount based on the number of nearby living friendly players in your raid group, increasing after 5 players by 17.5% per player up to 25 players. This is a powerful cooldown spell intended to give Discipline Priests a unique asset to bring to groups as an alternative to Circle of Healing.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where Divine Spirit (Rank 4) could not be trained.
- Fixed an issue where all ranks of Lightwell (Talent) were not removed during talent resets or dual specializations swaps.
- Fixed an issue where Pain Suppression (Talent) only required 1 rank of Martyrdom (Talent).
- Fixed an issue where Inspiration (Talent) was not applying additional armor to other players.
- Fixed an issue where the Shadowform cooldown sometimes got stuck.
- Fixed an issue where Holy Nova did not consume Inner Focus (Talent).
- Fixed an issue where Prayer of Mending had an incorrect coefficient.
- Fixed an issue where a charm effect such as Mind Control incorrectly kept players locked in combat.
- Fixed an issue where the Priest Level 55 PvP set, Vanta Vestments, incorrectly had Mage set bonuses.
Ability and Talent Changes
- Envenom now increases your chance of applying all poisons by 10% for 1 second per dose consumed.
- Envenom is now affected by Vile Poisons.
- Developer's Note: Envenom was already working as intended, Vile Poisons increased the damage of deadly poison and Envenom dealt more damage naturally because of this. However, Envenom needed a slight push, and the tooltip was misleading, so this change should help.
- Increased the base damage of Deadly Poison by 5%.
- Developer's Note: This buff is aimed at Envenom. There have been suggestions to give Envenom base damage before adding Deadly Poison's damage to the mix, but I believe increasing the damage of the poison itself is more effective, because it has to compete with Windfury Totem.
- The recipe for Blinding Powder now creates 6 of the item, up from 3.
- Developer's Note: Blind did not require a reagent in TBC, and this has been commonly reported as a bug. However it was decided that we'll keep this, as it fits well with having a 1.12 world. It was likely removed because Fadeleaf was no longer an herb that was relevant in Outland. The Fadeleaf requirement however is quite steep compared to other class reagents, so reducing the amount of this valuable herb Rogues will need should help.
- Expose Armor has had its value adjusted. At rank 5 it now provides 1800 armor reduction base.
- Expose Armor now always applies armor reduction equal to a 5 Combo Point Expose Armor of that rank. Combo points spent on Expose Armor now increase the duration of Expose Armor. 1 Combo Point lasts 8 seconds, and each additional combo point adds 8 seconds to the duration, up to 40 seconds at 5 Combo Points.
- Casting Expose Armor on a target that already has Expose Armor will now increase its duration by 8 seconds per combo point spent, up to 60 seconds.
- Developer's Note: All armor reduction effects have been reduced to bring the overall damage dealt by physical attacks against raid bosses closer to the amount of percentage damage increase these armor reduction effects gave at level 70 against TBC raid bosses.
- Slice and Dice's duration is now increased by 1 second each time you deal Bleed damage. This can be any source of Bleed damage, including from items.
- Redirect can now also be used while stealthing.
- Shiv can now proc Combat Potency, as it could during Burning Crusade.
- Vanish's buff will be removed upon exiting any rank of Stealth.
- Improved Expose Armor now increases the armor reduction from Expose Armor by 13%/25%, down from 25%/50%.
- Axe Specialization's bleed has been increased from 50% Weapon Damage to 100% Weapon Damage.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue that caused Cheat Death to make rogues permanently take increased damage.
- Fixed an issue where some rogue poisons were gray and/or unusable.
- Fixed an issue where Mind-Numbing Poison II and Mind-Numbing Poison III behaved strangely.
- Fixed an issue that caused Envenom to ignore many talents and procs that were supposed to interact with it.
- Fixed an issue where pickpocket or sap triggered Mace Specialization's (Talent) stun.
- Fixed an issue where Axe Specialization (Talent) sometimes dealt incorrect amounts of damage.
- Fixed an issue that caused non-damaging abilities such as Sap to proc Sword Specialization (Talent) and Axe Specialization (Talent), causing your stealth to break.
- Fixed an issue where Cheat Death (Talent) couldn't proc while sitting or in some other niche situations.
- Cheat Death (Talent) now properly maxes out at 90% damage reduction as intended.
- Fixed a visual bug where Poisoned Knife (Talent) was visible in the spellbook.
- Fixed an issue where Hemorrhage (Talent) remained learned when resetting your talents.
- Fixed an issue that prevented Find Weakness (Talent) from activating via Slice and Dice.
- The tooltip of Slice and Dice has been updated to display the correct values when you've taken Improved Slice and Dice (Talent).
- Mutilate (Talent) now properly removes Remorseless from Remorseless Attacks (Talent) when used.
- Opportunity (Talent) no longer benefits Mutilate when attacking the front of an enemy.
- Developer's Note: With Mutilate no longer having a back-facing requirement on Epoch, this talent no longer made sense. While it could have been reworded to make sense, the theming of the talent and its position in the Subtlety tree means that it should continue to only benefit back-facing attacks.
- Cold Blood (Talent) now correctly causes both hits of Mutilate to critically strike.
- Fixed an issue where Shiv could not critically strike, even under the effects of Cold Blood.
- Fixed an issue where Stealth wouldn't break if an attack made against you failed to hit.
- Fixed Spell Effect Sanctuary to evade incoming spells and attacks. This affects Vanish, allowing the rogue to evade spells whose projectiles are already flying towards them when Vanish is cast. Does not work against channeled spells.
- Fixed an issue where Vanish was not removed upon exiting stealth.
- Fixed an issue with Game Object stealth calculations using twice the level of a trap. After the fix, rogues should be able to see hunter traps, whereas for other classes traps are still invisible (unless the player overlevels the hunter).
- Shadowstep can now correctly be used while rooted.
- Fixed an issue where Combo Point Spenders would refund their combo points spent when the attack was partially blocked.
- The Darkmantle Dungeon Set 2 8-piece set bonus should now work as expected.
- Developer's Note: When Mutilate triggers this effect it can only do so once per use. If both hits critically strike you will only receive 20 energy once.
- The Rogue PvP set item, Scouting Gloves, now correctly causes your Deadly Throw to interrupt the target.
Ability and Talent Changes
- Bloodlust and Heroism's buff now continues ticking while offline.
- Lightning Shield has a new visual effect when it damages an enemy.
- Molten Blast (Rank 1) is now learned at level 14, up from 8.
- Developer's Note: This better thematically reflects learning Molten Blast after the shaman obtain Flame Shock and their Fire Totems.
- Molten Blast will now only reset Flame Shock on an actual spell hit. Multiple shaman can now refresh their Flame Shock on a singular target more reliably.
- Molten Blast now scales with spell damage at the intended rate of 57.1% at maximum rank.
- Lightning Bolt and Molten Blast now once again by default reset the swing timer when cast.
- Rockbiter Weapon imbue can now override other weapon enchants in some circumstances.
- Mana Spring Totem can now stack with Blessing of Wisdom as they could in Burning Crusade.
- Strength of Earth Totem (Rank 4) has had its base bonus Strength reduced to 52 from 61.
- Grace of Air Totem (Rank 2) has had its base bonus Agility reduced to 54 from 67.
- Flametongue Totem and Windfury Totem now target based on main stats instead of attack power and spell damage. If you have more Intellect than both Strength and Agility you will receive the Flametongue Totem effect. If you have more Strength or Agility than you do Intellect you will receive the Windfury Totem effect.
- Windfury Totem will now only proc an extra attack from White Melee Attacks, Extra Attacks, and "On Next Melee Swing" abilities. It cannot proc from its own extra attacks.
- Sentry Totem has been overhauled. Instead of right-clicking the aura to swap between Shaman Sight and Totem Sight, you now re-cast the Sentry Totem spell, doing so will not incur the mana cost. Sentry Totem now also grants nearby party and raid members minor stealth detection, and you gain additional stealth detection when you see through the totem. Sentry Totem also no longer puts you into Totem Sight immediately when placed.
- Water Walking from the trainer is now (Rank 1) and Water Walking (Rank 2) is learned somewhere in the world. This new rank will improve Water Walking to not be cancelled by shapeshifting, allowing the shaman to use Ghost Wolf form while water walking. The tooltip of Water Walking (Rank 1) has been updated.
- Belt of The Five Thunders and Bindings of The Five Thunders now have the correct stats.
- Elemental Focus's (Talent) Clearcasting proc now also affects Fire Totems.
- Developer's Note: This was a bug, but after positive feedback it seems like a fun addition, so it was cleaned up and implemented intentionally as a feature.
- Fire and Lightning Mastery (Talent) and Call of Thunder (Talent) have swapped places in the Elemental talent tree.
- Earth's Grasp (Talent) now also reduces the chance that your spells will be pushed back on damage by 25%/50% while you control any Earth Totem.
- Eye of the Storm (Talent) has been removed from the Elemental talent tree and replaced with Rolling Thunder (Talent). This talent causes your Lightning critical hits to have a 33%/66%/100% chance to give your Lightning Shield an additional charge, up to 9 charges. Excess charges beyond 9 automatically launch a Lightning Shield orb attack at the enemy you critically struck. Earth Shock can also be used to consume up to 1/2/3 surplus Lightning Shield charges (meaning beyond the default 3) at the enemy every 2 seconds for up to 2/4/6 seconds.
- Ancestral Knowledge (Talent) now increases your Intellect by 2%/4%/6%/8%/10%.
- Flurry (Talent) now increases attack speed by 5% per rank, up to 25%, down from 6% per rank, up to 30%.
- Weapon Mastery (Talent) now increases damage by 1% per rank, up to 5%, down from 2% per rank, up to 10%.
- Dual Wield (Talent) has been renamed to Primal Wielding and now additionally makes Lightning Bolt and Molten Blast not reset the melee swing timer when cast. Reduces the damage dealt by Lightning Bolt and Molten Blast by 50% if used within 4.5 seconds of a melee swing.
- Stormstrike (Talent) no longer grants additional Nature damage taken from the Shaman that applies it.
- Unleashed Rage (Talent) now increases party and raid members' melee attack power by 95 (was 10%). This effect grants less attack power if the shaman is below level 60.
- Shamanistic Rage (Talent) has received a change to accommodate both One-Handed and Two-Handed weapon type play styles. It now generates mana based on your attack power and your weapon speed, further modified if you are dual wielding. It now also has a 100% proc chance and is no longer based on Procs Per Minute.
- Mana Tide Totem (Talent) is now properly in its TBC state.
- Implemented Nature's Guardian (Talent).
- Restored the jump radius of Chain Heal to its TBC state of 10 yards.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where Heroism and Bloodlust were learnable by both factions.
- Fixed an issue with the tooptip for Heroism and Bloodlust.
- Fixed various issues with Windfury Weapon, which should make it behave more like it did in TBC.
- Fixed Windfury Weapon's internal cooldown to now correctly be 3 seconds.
- Fixed an issue that prevented Windfury Weapon and Rockbiter Weapon from applying to weapons.
- Fixed an issue with Mana Spring Totem's tooltip.
- Fixed various issues with Sentry Totem.
- Fixed an issue where Searing Totem (Rank 2) did not work.
- Fixed an issue where Magma Totem was not using Burning Crusade numbers.
- Fixed an issue where Poison Cleansing Totem, Windfury Totem, Disease Cleaning Totem, Tremor Totem, and Healing Stream totem did not ignore line of sight.
- Fixed an issue where Disease Cleansing Totem didn't tick when placed and also removed poisons.
- Fixed an issue where Windfury Totem, Healing Stream Totem, and Mana Spring Totem effects generated threat to the totem.
- Fixed an issue where Grounding Totem could be polymorphed and remain as a sheep. It now despawns.
- Fixed an issue where Grounding Totem grew legs and ran around after being hit by a Fear effect.
- Fixed an issue where Stoneclaw Totem incorrectly shielded your other totems.
- Fixed an issue with Stormstrike's tooltip.
- Fixed an issue where Stormstrike's debuff could be blocked by melee hit rolls, such as being parried.
- Fixed an issue where Greater Earth Elemental looked like a water elemental.
- Developer's Note: This was an interesting story: we reverted all creature models to their 1.12 states, and it turns out Greater Earth Elemental's creature ID was used in 1.12 as a water elemental. The NPC itself was unused in Vanilla and got repurposed in TBC, so when the appearances were reverted, this fella transformed into water!
- Fixed an issue where Elemental Overload (Talent) would not proc from Molten Blast if you were casting the spell back to back.
- Fixed an issue where Elemental Shaman Dungeon Set 2 Boots had Physical crit on them.
Ability and Talent Changes
- Soul Shards now stack to 3 (down from 5), and they are now Unique(99).
- Warlock pet base stats have been overhauled completely, they now gain 30% of their owner's Intellect and Stamina down from 75%, and their stat weights for Intellect and Stamina have been corrected.
- Warlock imps now have 2 additional random prefixes and 1 additional random suffix, these are "Tok", "Yip", and "pog" respectively.
- Voidwalker's Sacrifice should no longer miss or resist.
- Succubus' Lash of Pain now deals its damage over 6 seconds. This change to a periodic effect means it will no longer eat stacks of Shadow Vulnerability from Improved Shadow Bolt. Overall damage dealt by this ability should be the same.
- Felhunters have received a WotLK ability, Shadow Bite. It behaves the same as it did during WotLK albeit with a longer cooldown. It is obtained from Demon Trainer grimoires just like other demon spells.
- Felhunter Paranoia is now a passive effect, to ensure that Felhunters do not have too many abilities to fit on their action bar.
- Infernals summoned by Inferno now have Immolation Aura, which deals damage to all enemies near the Infernal.
- Curse of Tongues, Curse of Exhaustion, Curse of Agony, and Curse of Doom are now known as Banes. A warlock can have one Bane and one Curse up on a single target at a time.
- Damage dealt by Bane of Agony reduced by 10%.
- Damage dealt by Bane of Doom reduced by roughly 7%.
- Curse of Recklessness Rank 4 has had its armor reduction reduced by 40.
- Developer's Note: All armor reduction effects have been reduced to bring the overall damage dealt by physical attacks against raid bosses closer to the amount of percentage damage increase these armor reduction effects gave at level 70 against TBC raid bosses.
- Removed Curse of Tongues (Rank 2).
- Demon Skin, Demon Armor, and Fel Armor are now all properly grouped and can no longer be stacked in strange ways.
- Demonic Sacrifice buffs are now removed when you unlearn the talent.
- Drain Soul's spell scaling coefficient reduced to 57% from 61%.
- The per-second mana cost of Drain Soul has been increased by roughly 30%.
- Rain of Fire can now critically hit.
- Seed of Corruption no longer requires a Soul Shard to cast, but its cast time has been increased by 0.5 seconds and the amount of damage requires to pop the seed has increased by 68%.
- Warlock Dungeon Set 2 stats and set bonuses have been adjusted.
- Improved Corruption (Talent) no longer gives Seed of Corruption a chance to refund a soul shard. It now decreases the cast time of Seed of Corruption by 0.1 second per rank, up to 0.5 seconds.
- Improved Drain Soul (Talent) has had its damage increase reduced from 15%/30% to 12%/24%.
- Amplify Curse (Talent) is now named Amplify Bane and now also affects Bane of Tongues, increasing its effect by 10% (This makes it match the value it used to have at Rank 2).
- Nightfall (Talent) now correctly procs from Seed of Corruption.
- Soul Siphon (Rank 2) now increases damage by 3% per Affliction effect, down from 4%. The cap of 24% is unchanged.
- Empowered Corruption now increases the scaling of Corruption by 24%/36%/48%, an increase of 6% per rank. The Seed of Corruption part of this talent has changed, and now decreases the damage required to break Seed of Corruption by 10%/20%/30%.
- Shadow Embrace is now a 3 point talent, down from 5. The damage reduction per rank is now 1%/3%/5%.
- Improved Shadow Bite (Talent) has been added to row 5 next to Bane of Exhaustion. This causes your Felhunter's Shadow Bite to grant the Felhunter 5%/10% of its maximum mana.
- Developer's Note: This is intended to synergize with Dark Pact.
- Unstable Affliction (Talent) now deals 25% more damage, and now has some damage variance in its ticks to make it actually look "unstable".
- The spell scaling coefficient of Unstable Affliction has been increased to 34% (was 20%)
Demonic Empowerment has received various changes to lean towards improving the throughput of a pet rather than the utility of the pet. It now also affects Infernals, Doomguards, and Enslaved Demons. These effects and changes to existing effects are listed below, if the demon is not listed it has not been changed:
Demonic Empowerment - Imp: Now increases the imp's crit chance with Firebolt by 100% for 8 seconds, and makes Firebolt free for the duration.
Demonic Empowerment - Succubus: Now gives the Succubus 75% Melee and Ranged dodge change for 8 seconds.
Demonic Empowerment - Felguard: Now gives the Felguard 15% increased damage for 10 seconds. The stun component is unchanged.
Demonic Empowerment - Infernal: The Infernal is immune to all attacks and spells for 6 seconds.
Demonic Empowerment - Doomguard: The Doomguard casts Shadow Bolt Volley, dealing damage to all nearby enemies.
Demonic Empowerment - Enslaved Demon: The demon takes damage and has increased attack and casting speed.
Developer's Note: Yes the tooltip of Demonic Empowerment is so long Kes couldn't verify all the information was present when she wrote these patch notes.
Soul Link (Talent) now correctly increases damage dealt by the Warlock's pet.
Demon Portal (Talent) has been removed... for now. Summon Felguard (Talent) has returned as the Demonology capstone.
Added level 44 to 49 Felguard stats as it is available at a lower level.
Felguard's base damage dealt has been reduced by 10%.
- Fixed an issue where Improved Shadow Bolt's (Talent) Shadow Vulnerability would consume itself and was consumed by non-damaging abilities.
- Improved Firebolt (Talent) now also reduces the mana cost of Firebolt by 20%/40%, and gives your Imp's Firebolt critical hits a 50%/100% chance to increase the damage of your next single target Fire spell by 10%.
- Shadowfury's (Talent) stun now lasts 3 seconds, up from 2 seconds. Shadowfury has moved next to Ruin in row 5.
- Demonic Sacrifice (Talent) is now the capstone of the Destruction tree, and functions the same as it did in TBC.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where some Warlock spells were not affected by talents.
- Fixed issues with Imp pathfinding.
- Fixed an issue where a Felhunter's Devour Magic (Rank 2) and (Rank 3) were not implemented correctly.
- Fixed an issue where Curse of Recklessness wouldn't behave properly with an active Fear or Flee effect when applied or removed.
- Fixed an issue where Curse of Tongues did not have a reduced duration against players.
- Fixed an issue where Detect Invisibility did not work.
- Fixed an issue where Improved Drain Soul (Talent) was not increasing the damage of Drain Soul. Drain Soul scripts have been refactored and damage dealt should now be more reliable and predictable.
- Fixed an issue where Improved Healthstone (Talent) did not affect Soulwell.
- Fixed issues where Firestones had strange item level requirements when used on items, and they can no longer be used while moving.
- Fixed an issue where many warlock talents and spells mentioned the Incubus due to tooltip data from Classic.
- Fixed an issue where the Warlock Dungeon Set 2 6-piece set bonus was not proccing from Shadowfury as intended.
Ability and Talent Changes
- Rend (Rank 6) and (Rank 7) duration increased by 3 seconds.
- Sunder Armor (Rank 5) armor reduction reduced by 50.
- Developer's Note: All armor reduction effects have been reduced to bring the overall damage dealt by physical attacks against raid bosses closer to the amount of percentage damage increase these armor reduction effects gave at level 70 against TBC raid bosses.
- Kills caused by Victory Rush can now proc Victory Rush.
- Berserker Rage has been restored to a TBC state.
- Commanding Presence effect reduced by 10%.
- Tank Warrior Dungeon Set 2 now has Agility on various pieces.
- DPS Warrior Dungeon Set 2 6-piece set bonus has been reworked, and now increases the duration of Retaliation and Recklessness by 3 seconds.
- DPS Warrior Dungeon Set 2 now has a new 8-piece set bonus: Hitting an enemy with Mortal Strike reduces the cooldown of Bladestorm by 4 seconds. Reduces the Rage cost of Whirlwind by 3.
- Endless Rage has been changed to a 3 point talent, down from 5 points. The talent is now 8%/16%/25%, up from 5%/10%/15%/20%/25%.
- Empowered Rend (Talent) has been added next to Endless Rage. This talent reduces the time between Rend ticks by 0.5 second per rank, with 2 ranks. This causes Rend to go from a 3 second tick to a 2 second tick.
- The cooldown of Bladestorm (Talent) has been increased by 30 seconds.
- Bladestorm no longer makes you immune to movement speed reducing effects, however it now makes you unable to be reduced below 60% run speed.
- Rampage (Talent) has received a new visual effect so players can better track when Rampage is active without add-ons.
- Bloodthirst (Talent) healing stacks now apply after your hit so one isn't automatically consumed by Bloodthirst.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where Battle Shout (Rank 1), (Rank 5), and (Rank 6) also granted Ranged Attack Power.
- Fixed an issue where Rend did less damage than intended.
- Fixed an issue where Deep Wounds (Talent) dealt incorrect damage.
- Fixed an issue where Rampage (Rank 2) was not correctly working.
- Fixed an issue where Berserker Stance and Defensive Stance still behaved as they did in WotLK.
- Fixed incorrect Warrior Block Value calculations.
- Fixed an issue where Improved Shield Bash (Talent) would also give Shield Slam a chance to silence the target.
- Fixed an issue when shield Shield Slam did not correctly scale by Shield Block Value.
Happy testing! We will see you in game!