Patch 0.24.0a
The below are some of the initial fixes we're pushing out in our first post beta patch. Thank you for all your reporting and feedback.
This will require a launcher patch push and maintenance of around 15 minutes.
For manual installers this should only require updating:
- patch-A.MPQ
- patch-I.MPQ
- Fixed an issue where Enchanting skills were placed in the General tab.
- Various tweaks to night time lighting in many zones, we will continue to iterate on this over the beta based on feedback.
- The length of a full day / night cycle has been increased.
- When you are not PvP flagged you can no longer hit players and NPCs that are PvP flagged with Area of Effect attacks.
- Player Class level stats are now assigned correctly on custom race/class combinations.
- Dying a second time in the Soul of Iron mode no longer prevents you from ever moving again.
- Disabled earthquakles in Blackrock Mountain, this caused performance issues.
- Various quest game objects that were pooled such as Ancient Batteries in Tanaris should now correctly restock spawns.
- Disabled quest "Do Slavers Keep Records" while we isolate a crash.
- Fixed an issue with many trainer spells eroneously requiring engineering.
- Horde flying from Springsocket to Kargath should no longer go on a trippy adventure.
- Even more quest drops should now have shared loot assigned.
- Implemented a missing spell effect in the core which means many spells that should refund 80% of their power (Energy / Rage / Mana) after they miss / dodge / parry now correctly do.
- Implemented missing shapeshift flag checks which means many spells that should not work in certain forms now correctly won't. Prime example is Ghost Wolf retaining Water Walking.
- Implemented missing spell checks that prevent casting certain spells on mounted targets.
- Swing Timers for Ranged and Melee attacks should now behave more like TBC.
- "Mod Damage From Caster" Spells should now correctly respect spell schools, this fixes an issue where Shaman's Stormstrike was increasing all damage by 15% instead of Nature damage.
- Dispatched an elite Bronze flight agent to pull Wasps, Foxes and Moths from the timeways, they should now be spawning.
- Rich Thorium Veins now require multiple taps.
- Fixed a possible crash with Kill Command.
- The cooldown of Disengage has been increased to 25 seconds.
- The Beast Within now lasts 18 seconds as intended.
- The position of Silencing Shot and Trueshot Aura are now actually swapped as they were supposed to be.
- Steady Shot now correctly "clips" your Auto Shot.
- The mana cost of Steady Shot, Aspect of the Viper, and Kill Command have been reduced to bring them in line with other abilities at this level.
- Bestial Discipline no longer increases your pets focus regeneration by 50/100 per tick instead of 50%/100%.
- Fixed a possible crash with Envenom.
- Natural Shapeshifter now affects Cat Form.
- Fixed a possible crash with Pyroclasm.
- Life Tap now correctly scales with the shadow spell damage of the Warlock.
- Hellfire's self damage now interacts correctly with Soul Link.
- Windfury Weapon can now properly proc effects such as Flurry and Shamanistic Rage.
- Stormstrike can now properly proc effects such as Flurry and Shamanistic Rage.
- Flametongue Weapon now scales with the proper amount of spell damage.
- While we have added improvements to swing timer resetting in this patch we have added explicit exceptions to Lightning Bolt and Molten Blast, allowing them to not reset the swing timer, while the community does some interesting theorycrafting around this behaviour.
- Fixed various crashes related to Paladin Seals.
- Seal of the Crusader no longer erroneously causes Crusader Strike to deal 40% more damage than intended.
- Fixed a possible crash from Avengers Shield.
- Fixed a possible crash from Crusader Strike.
- Penance has been hit with a nerf bat.
- Fixed a possible crash from Vampiric Embrace.
- Power Word: Fortitude's tooltip has been corrected.
Sunken Temple
- Hazzas and Morphaz should no longer despawn after 5 minutes.
Blackrock Depths
- Fixed a possible crash from the Arena event caused by a player utilising pets being mind controlled.
-Ramstein the Gorgers chain pull should no longer hit for 980% weapon damage.
Baradin Hold
- Millhouse now spawns the correct loot chest.
- Improvised Cannon should no longer evade bug.
- Glagut will now cast his mechanics faster.
- Ghastly Spectre Nerfed.
- Manifested Imp Nerfed.
- Pirate Lord Blackstone intro RP improvements when Calypso dies fast.
- General Stat Buffs